I Pour Out My Soul

Reflections In the Twilight.

Where Do I Go from Here? Is There a Place Called Heaven?

pour out one's soul

It is about a woman who poured out her heart to everyone but God. Contemporary English Version Sorrow floods my heart, when I remember leading the worshipers to your house. World English Bible These things I remember, and pour out my soul within me, how I used to go with the crowd, and led them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, a multitude keeping a holy day. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. But God cares indefinitely.

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Contemporary English Version Sorrow floods my heart, when I remember leading the worshipers to your house. I can still hear them shout their joyful praises. Good News Translation My heart breaks when I remember the past, when I went with the crowds to the house of God and led them as they walked along, a happy crowd, singing and shouting praise to God.

I used to go with the crowd in a procession to the house of God, accompanied with shouts of joy and thanksgiving. NET Bible I will remember and weep! For I was once walking along with the great throng to the temple of God, shouting and giving thanks along with the crowd as we celebrated the holy festival. New Heart English Bible These things I remember, and pour out my soul within me, how I used to go with the crowd, and led them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, a multitude keeping a holy day.

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Aramaic Bible in Plain English I remembered these things and my soul was troubled, therefore I shall enter into your strong shelter, unto the house of God; many rejoice with the voice of praise and thanksgiving! JPS Tanakh These things I remember, and pour out my soul within me, How I passed on with the throng, and led them to the house of God, With the voice of joy and praise, a multitude keeping holyday.

5 Reasons it Is Wise to Pour Out Your Heart to God

Jubilee Bible I will remember these things; I will pour out my soul in me. When I shall be included in the number; I will go with them to the house of God with voice of joy and praise, dancing in the multitude. American Standard Version These things I remember, and pour out my soul within me, How I went with the throng, and led them to the house of God, With the voice of joy and praise, a multitude keeping holyday. When no one else understands or cares, He does.

Pour out My Soul

And His compassion is new every morning. I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.

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He invites us to pour our hearts out to Him. But like Joseph Scriven noted, we often pass up on the opportunity. O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer. Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: David wrote this Psalm while hiding from Saul. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: We usually pray for God to free us from our circumstances, caring little about the prisons of our souls.

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But what if God wants to deliver us from self more than we want deliverance from our situation? The lady we see in 1 Samuel 2 is a changed woman from the chapter previous. Hannah, intent on one desire alone—having a son—was transformed into a lady who freely gave that son to God…and joyfully worshiped Him as she did it.