Mutations, In Vitro and Molecular Techniques for Environmentally Sustainable Crop Improvement

For genetically complex traits, germplasm improvement instead requires reshuffling of the genome to produce new favorable gene combinations in the progeny. The pedigree breeding method produces such novelty via crossing and recombination among superior, yet complementary, parents and selection among segregating progeny for improved performance Fig.

Pamela Ronald (UC Davis) Part 2: Engineering Resistance to Infection and Tolerance to Stresses

Recurrent selection aims to simultaneously increase the frequencies of favorable alleles at multiple loci in breeding populations through intermating of selected individuals Fig. For hybridized crops such as maize, recurrent selection may be extended to improve the performance of distinct complementary populations e. This practice is referred to as reciprocal recurrent selection. Quantitative genetic principles have been particularly powerful as the theoretical basis for both population improvement and methods of selecting and stabilizing desirable genotypes Hallauer, Figure 2 shows the genetic gain equation and an expansion of its terms to fundamental parameters of quantitative genetics.

Though clearly an oversimplification of the advanced quantitative genetic principles employed in plant breeding, the genetic gain equation effectively relates the four core factors that influence breeding progress: L is not only a function of how many generations are required to complete a selection cycle, but also how quickly the generations can be completed and how many generations can be completed per year. The genetic gain equation and its component variables. The top portion illustrates an idealized distribution showing the frequency of individuals within a breeding population y axis that exhibit various classes of phenotypic values x axis.

In this generalized example, trait improvement is achieved by selecting for a lower phenotypic value, e. Thus, the genetic gain equation provides a framework for comparing the predicted effectiveness of particular breeding strategies and is often used as a guide to the judicious allocation of resources for achieving breeding objectives.

For brevity, we focus on examples from maize where molecular breeding is most advanced, and has now become the primary means to develop improved commercial hybrids.

Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants

Phenotypic variation is positively associated with genetic diversity, yet also depends on environmental factors and the interactions between genotype and environment. Genetic diversity may be derived from breeding populations either naturally occurring or synthetic , segregating progeny from a cross of selected parental lines, exotic materials that are not adapted to the target environment, wide interspecific crosses, naturally occurring or induced mutations, the introduction of transgenic events, or combinations of these sources.

However, not all phenotypic variation is equal. For example, the use of exotic germplasm has been extremely successful for improving many crop species, but difficulties may be encountered through the introduction of undesirable alleles associated with lack of adaptation. The need for genetic diversity must be balanced by elite performance, because choosing the best parents is key to maximizing the probability for successful improvement.

In contrast, the expected increase in linkage disequilibrium among elite populations derived from intense prior selection may also limit the creation of new genetic combinations for future gain. Intermating source populations for genetic recombination may overcome this problem, but delays cultivar development.

Molecular markers and more recently, high-throughput genome sequencing efforts, have dramatically increased knowledge of and ability to characterize genetic diversity in the germplasm pool for essentially any crop species. Using maize as one example, surveys of molecular marker alleles and nucleotide sequence variation have provided basic information about genetic diversity before and after domestication from its wild ancestor teosinte, among geographically distributed landraces, and within historically elite germplasm for review, see Cooper et al.

This information enriches investigations of plant evolution and comparative genomics, contributes to our understanding of population structure, provides empirical measures of genetic responses to selection, and also serves to identify and maintain reservoirs of genetic variability for future mining of beneficial alleles McCouch, ; Slade et al.

In addition, knowledge of genetic relationships among germplasm sources may guide choice of parents for production of hybrids or improved populations e. While molecular markers and other genomic applications have been highly successful in characterizing existing genetic variation within species, plant biotechnology generates new genetic diversity that often extends beyond species boundaries Gepts, ; Johnson and McCuddin, Biotechnology enables access to genes heretofore not available through crossing and creates an essentially infinite pool of novel genetic variation.

Genes may be acquired from existing genomes spanning all kingdoms of life, or designed and assembled de novo in the laboratory. Both subtle and extreme examples of the power of transgenes to introduce novel phenotypic variation can be found in the three different transgenes developed for resistance to glyphosate herbicides in maize and other crops.

The first glyphosate-tolerant maize hybrids used a modified version of the endogenous maize gene encoding 5-enol-pyruvylshikimateP synthase Spencer et al. More recently, a synthetic gene with enhanced glyphosate acetyltransferase activity was created via gene shuffling and selection in a microbial system Castle et al. Each of these glyphosate-tolerant maize events also illustrates another benefit of biotechnology, where new combinations of regulatory sequences e. Quantitative genetics uses the theoretical concept of heritability to quantify the proportion of phenotypic variation that is controlled by genotype.

In practice, heritability is greatly influenced by the genetic architecture of the trait of interest, which is described by the number of genes, the magnitude of their effects, and the type of gene action associated with phenotypes. Better knowledge of genetic architecture and favorable gene action that which is more amenable to selection often has the greatest impact on improving genetic gain.

For the genetic gain formula, heritability h 2 is used in its narrow sense, representing the proportion of phenotypic variation due to additive genetic effects those that reflect changes in allele dosage or allelic substitutions.

Mutations, In Vitro and Molecular Techniques for Environmentally Sustainable Crop Improvement

Additive genetic effects are also referred to as the breeding value because they are predictably transmitted to progeny. Deviations from additive effects are significant for many traits, and are partitioned into either dominance effects that reflect the interactions between different alleles at the same locus or epistatic effects resulting from interactions among different loci.

Gene action and breeding values are characterized by progeny testing, where the phenotypes of individuals in a population are compared to their parents and siblings produced from either self-pollination or outcrossing. Previous efforts to develop large numbers of molecular markers, high density genetic maps, and appropriately structured mapping populations have now made routine for many crop species the ability to simultaneously define gene action and breeding value at hundreds and often thousands of loci distributed relatively uniformly across entire genomes.

The results from such mapping studies provide greatly improved estimates for the number of loci, allelic effects, and gene action controlling traits of interest. More importantly, genomic segments can be readily identified that show statistically significant associations with quantitative traits quantitative trait loci [QTLs]. In addition to genetic mapping in families derived from biparental crosses, new advances in association genetics with candidate genes and approaches that combine linkage disequilibrium analysis in families and populations Holland, ; Yu et al.

Information about QTLs can be used in a number of ways to increase heritability and favorable gene action. For traits exhibiting low to moderate heritability, such as grain yield, QTLs, and their associated molecular markers often account for a greater proportion of the additive genetic effects than the phenotype alone. Furthermore, knowledge of genetic architecture can be exploited to add or delete specific alleles that contribute to breeding value. When either genetic linkage or epistasis among loci with antagonistic effects on a trait limits genetic gain, QTL information can be used to break these undesirable allelic relationships.

Success in using information about QTLs to increase genetic gain depends greatly on the magnitude of QTL effects, precise estimation of QTL positions, stability of QTL effects across multiple environments, and whether QTLs are robust across relevant breeding germplasm. Prediction of QTL positions is enhanced by further fine mapping, which facilitates testing QTL effects and breeding values in additional populations.

mutations in vitro and molecular techniques for environmentally sustainable crop improvement

Molecular isolation of QTLs permits the development of perfect or functional molecular markers at the potential resolution of the fundamental unit of inheritance, the nucleotide, and dramatically increases the specificity and precision by which genetic effects are estimated and manipulated in breeding programs. The use of transgenes can further simplify the genetic architecture for desirable traits, in ways that may be superior to or not possible even when perfect markers are available for robust QTLs of large effect.

Transgenes typically condition strong genetic effects at operationally single loci, which also exhibit dominant gene action where only one copy of the event is needed for maximal trait expression in a hybrid cultivar. These features of transgenes can reduce complex quantitative improvement to a straightforward, often dramatic, solution. Excellent examples are provided by the expression in transgenic corn hybrids of insecticidal toxin proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis Bt to reduce feeding damage by larvae of the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis or the corn rootworm beetle Diabrotica spp.

Partial resistance in maize germplasm to these insect pests had been previously characterized as quantitatively inherited traits with low heritability Papst et al. By simplifying genetic architecture, transgenes may also permit disruption of allelic interactions between factors controlling the trait of interest and other important performance characteristics. For example, employing a transgenic source of insect resistance e. In addition, transgenic events may be engineered to uncouple negative pleiotropic effects from beneficial phenotypes conditioned by recessive mutations. This application is illustrated by the use of RNA interference to specifically down-regulate zein seed storage protein gene expression Segal et al.

This strategy mimics the effects of the opaque2 mutation on improving the amino acid profile of maize grain for animal feed, while circumventing the softer endosperm texture and susceptibility to fungal pathogens typically associated with opaque2. Transgenic events can also be designed to intervene at key regulatory steps for entire metabolic or developmental pathways, such that gene action for the corresponding traits are largely inherited as single dominant factors that are less sensitive to environmental effects.

Examples include the expression of a transcription factor that increases drought tolerance Nelson et al. Biotechnology also facilitates the molecular stacking of transgenes that control a trait or suite of traits into a single locus haplotype defined by a transgenic event.

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Examples of such an approach include the initial Golden Rice Ye et al. Recent reports of improvements in gene targeting technology Ow, and the construction of meiotically transmissible plant minichromosomes Carlson et al. With such advances, biotechnology is now poised to assemble useful genetic diversity from essentially any source into constructs that concentrate favorable gene action and maximize heritability for a greatly expanded set of traits. In closing this section about how molecular plant breeding increases favorable gene action, it is important to emphasize that QTL studies, when conducted with appropriate scale and precision to identify causal genes, represent a powerful functional genomics approach.

The molecular cloning of QTLs has yielded novel insights about the biology of quantitative traits that were not likely to be discovered from the analysis of gene knockouts or overexpression strategies, in particular the impacts of regulatory variation on phenotypic variation and evolution e. Furthermore, molecular markers, genomics, and biotechnology are now applied in an iterative network to exploit genetic diversity for crop improvement. Genomic information enables the discovery of beneficial alleles via QTL mapping and cloning, followed by the use of information learned from the molecular characterization of QTLs to design optimal transgenic strategies for crop improvement.


Intensive methods of production with high levels of nitrogen fertilizer and Vitro and Molecular Techniques for Environmentally Sustainable Crop Improvement. Mutations, In Vitro and Molecular Techniques for Environmentally Sustainable Crop Improvement. Editors; (view affiliations). M. Maluszynski; K. J. Kasha. Book.

Conventional plant breeding that relies only on phenotypic selection has been historically effective. However, for some traits, phenotypic selection has made little progress due to challenges in measuring phenotypes or identifying individuals with the highest breeding value.


Separate different tags with a comma. Genes associated with different traits are shown in different colors e. La Trobe University Library. Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress. You also may like to try some of these bookshops , which may or may not sell this item. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.

The effects of environment, genotype by environment interaction, and measurement errors also contribute to observed differences. Evaluation of genotypes in multiple environments with replicated designs allows better estimation of breeding values, but requires additional time and expense. For some traits, it may be necessary to sacrifice the individual to measure phenotypes, or trait expression may depend on variable environmental conditions e.

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Furthermore, plant breeders typically must simultaneously improve a suite of commercially valuable traits, which may limit gains from selection. Just as molecular plant breeding helps to expand genetic diversity, characterize genetic architecture, and modify gene action, its methods can also be applied to increasing the efficiency of selection. An extensive body of literature has considered the utility of molecular marker-assisted selection and its fit with different breeding methods Fig.

Molecular marker genotypes that are either within genes or tightly linked to QTL influencing traits under selection can be employed as a supplement to phenotypic observations in a selection index Lande and Thompson, In cases where genetic correlations are high, further efficiencies can be gained by substituting genotypic for phenotypic selection during some selection cycles, which can reduce phenotyping efforts and cycle times by permitting the use of off-season nurseries. Johnson summarized an early example of combining phenotypic data and molecular marker scores to increase selection gains for maize grain yield and resistance to European corn borer.

An effective strategy to simultaneously modify multiple traits is the use of selection indices that consider multiple factors in choosing the final improved genotype. Use of molecular markers increased breeding efficiency approximately 2-fold relative to phenotypic selection alone, with similar gains also observed in soybean Glycine max and sunflower Helianthus annuus populations. Marker-assisted selection can also significantly enhance genetic gain for traits where the phenotype is difficult to evaluate because of its expense or its dependence on specific environmental conditions.

Molecular markers may be used to increase the probability of identifying truly superior genotypes, by focusing testing resources on genotypes with the greatest potential i. Successful examples include resistance to soybean cyst nematode Young, , resistance to cereal diseases for review, see Varshney et al.

The efficiency of phenotypic selection for some complex traits can be enhanced by including physiological or biochemical phenotypes as secondary traits, if these exhibit strong genetic correlations with the target trait and possess high heritability. Recent advances in functional genomics permit the population-scale profiling of RNA abundance, protein levels and activities, and metabolites that are associated with important traits.

In addition to molecular markers that tag DNA sequence variation, such genetical genomics approaches may provide additional secondary phenotypes as selection targets Jansen and Nap, ; Johnson, , particularly for traits defined by responses to environmental, developmental, or physiological cues. Marker-assisted selection also accelerates the deployment of transgenes in commercial cultivars.

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Typically, this has been achieved through marker-assisted backcrossing. However, for future biotechnology improvements such as tolerance to drought or nutrient limitation, forward breeding may be required to cooptimize transgene expression and genetic background because endogenous genes and environmental factors may have the potential to influence the phenotypes resulting from transgenic modifications Mumm, Of course, use of molecular markers could aid forward breeding efforts as well.

Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture Construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome library of banana Musa acuminata Colla. Theoretical Applied Genetics, Breeding for iron-dense rice: Mutations affecting nodulation in grain legumes.

Mutations, in vitro and molecular techniques for environmentally sustainable crop improvement. Environment and Crop Production. Variation of fruit beta-carotene content of tropical pumpkin Cucurbita moschata [Duchsne] Piorot landraces in Zambia. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter , Tissue culture and induced mutations useful tools for floriculture industry.

Feeding the world with induced mutations and biotechnology. Proceddings of International Nuclear Conference Global trends and perspectives. A review of induction of mutations in fruits of tropical and subtropical regions. Molecular techniques in crop improvement.

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp

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