To Be Met as a Person: The Dynamics of Attachment in Professional Encounters

To Be Met as a Person at Work: The Effect of Early Attachment Experiences on Work Relationships

Saturday 17th September

These are elaborated in a forthcoming book; To Be Met as a Person: Fear Free Exploratory Caregiving: A challenge for therapists in the present social, political and cultural environment, Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis. Attachment Therapy with Adolescents and Adults: Theory and Practice Post Bowlby.

Wisdom and Knowledge

Understanding the self and understanding therapy: Attachment-based Therapy in Groups: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis , 2 2: Communication, regulation and exploration of affective states', in J. Savage Scharff and D. Scharff, The Legacy of Fairbairn and Surtherland: Psychotherapeutic Applications , London and New York: Working with the dynamics of emotional abuse and neglect within an attachment and systems perspective', in M.

A theory of care-giving in adult life: University of York Library, Psychodynamic Perspectives on Abuse: The Cost of Fear , London: Nicola Neath graduated from York University in English and Philosophy in and began training as a psychotherapist in , and she has been working with Universities since then. Neath started as a trainee psychotherapist with a Student Counselling Service on a trainee placement, and remained with this service over five years while becoming accredited.

Also by Una McCluskey

An international mutli-disciplinary scientific organisation. In doing so, it encompasses findings from psychology, biology, neuroscience, engineering, company, ecology, and schooling. This was a chance to synthesise all that she had learnt so far and to build upon her experiences. The Dynamics of Attachment in Adult Life. Her research on affect attunement in adult psychotherapy led her to develop a theory of interaction for psychotherapy and particularly to identify and rate the concept of goal corrected empathic attunement.

She developed her own private practice, counselling, training and coaching with The Baobab Centre, working with various large public and smaller private organisations. This work deepened her skills and a separate opportunity arose to work with an internal Staff Counselling and Psychological Support Service in This was a chance to synthesise all that she had learnt so far and to build upon her experiences.

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Neath was supported by the head of the service Sally Rose who suggested she might be interested in the work of McCluskey. She has written extensively on individuals, couple, family and group systems, and has developed her own model for exploring attachment dynamics in adult life. Her research on affect attunement in adult psychotherapy led her to develop a theory of interaction for psychotherapy and particularly to identify and rate the concept of goal corrected empathic attunement.

Courses, Workshops & Conferences

Throughout the last ten years she has been providing courses for workers and experienced professionals in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, social work, medicine, organisational management and development, education, nursing, art therapy, legal practice, religious and pastoral carers, to enable them explore their own dynamics of attachment in adult life as outlined by the work of Heard and Lake and to check its application to their personal and work life.

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To Be Met as a Person: The Dynamics of Attachment in Professional Encounters [ Una McCluskey] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. They may look for someone to help them. This is similar to the 'attachment.

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Jung and Analytical Psychology. Selected Fiction, Biography and Memoir. To Be Met as a Person at Work: Organisational Psychology Category 2: Attachment Theory Catalogue No: