Chew on This: 31 Biblical Devotions into the Heart of Christ (invert)

Eisegesis is twisting the Scriptures to suit our preconceived notions 2 Pet. When we study the Bible, we should set aside wrong presuppositions and preconceived ideas. We need to be teachable. We should pray before and during Bible study, and rely on the Holy Spirit in us to teach us what He says in the Bible. Faith comes to us by the Word of God Rom. Without faith, we can understand the Bible only in a natural way, not a supernatural way.

Studying the Bible profits us nothing unless it is mixed with faith Heb. Search and you will find. Dig deep and you will find new treasures of gold hidden in this field. Alas, some Christians have not even read the entire Bible yet. Others try to read it through every year. It takes work, but the Holy Spirit enables us to understand cf. A lacksadaisical attitude betrays low respect for the Bible and little faith in God. But serious Bible study is work which brings rest. Though the Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, it is still understandable through reliable translations not to mention the scholarly study of the original languages.

We may profit from preachers and teachers who explain the Bible to us Acts 8: The Bible is for everyone. Though some parts are harder to understand than others 2 Pet. Even a cursory study of the Bible will yield great results. We study the historical setting of Scripture human author, original readers, date, geography, manners and customs, archeology, etc , as well as the normal meaning of the language its lexical meaning, grammar, syntax, context, etc.

We should study all of it, not just our favorite parts. Use a concordance and cross references to compare Scripture with Scripture. It has great variety. All Scripture is inspired and deserves our study. Just as God used many human authors, so he used their backgrounds and a variety of literary styles. In these, we find prayer and praise to God, and wisdom in dealing with life.

Then other books are mainly laws Exodus-Deuteronomy, parts of others. Some laws are straight-forward commands or prohibitions, while others are case laws. Then other books are mainly prophecy, recording direct messages from God, including accurate predictions of the future. Lastly, there are the epistles of Paul and others. All these styles form a wonderful harmony. One important principle of Bible study is knowing and noticing that Christ is the center of Scripture. The Old Testament is filled with prophecies, types and symbols of the coming Messiah Gen. Jesus fulfilled these prophecies.

Some are explained in the New Testament see Luke And sandwiched between the Old Testament predictions of the future and the New Testament explanations of the past, we find the four Gospels which describe the person and work of Christ in a special way. Since it is a book about Christ, the Bible is therefore a book about how we may be saved from our sins through Him. It makes us wise unto salvation 2 Tim.

Some parts of the Bible more directly discuss salvation, such as the four Gospels, Acts and Romans. But all parts of Scripture fit into this comprehensive entity. Thus, the Bible was given to us that we may know how to be saved and how to have the assurance of salvation John We can also use it to tell other people the Gospel of salvation. The Bible is frequently compared to food. We ought to thirst for it like a baby thirsts for milk I Pet. The basic message of the Bible is like milk; the additional details are like meat Heb. The Bible is the means that God uses to nourish His children.

It gave us the new birth and sustains our new life. We grow spiritually anemic when we ignore it. So, we need to regularly read and study it, and meditate on it like a cow chews the cud. The more we do, the stronger we will grow spiritually. We study the Bible to learn about God. When we study it, we always need to find what God wants us to do in light of that passage. It teaches us how to live for God and helps us resist Satan and temptation, worship God in the way acceptable to Him, and witness in the world.

It encourages us through its many promises, aids us in prayer, points out our sins and assures us of forgiveness, strengthens our faith, answers the basic questions we have for guidance, and so much more. So let us diligently read it, study it, believe it and obey it cf. The Bible is a Unity. Though it has many individual books in it, the Bible is a unity. It is both one book and many books. It has unity and diversity. It is basically one book, The Book. Though it has many human authors for its parts, it is primarily one book by God Himself.

God used the many authors over a period of approximately years to write the Bible progressively, each building on what has already been given. Since it is an infallible unity, all parts agree. The individual authors and books ought not to be seen as contradictory, but complementary to each other. The most obvious and significant division in the Bible is that it has two large sections known as testaments. A testament is a covenant, or holy contract between God and Man.

The first is the Old Covenant. It makes up about three-fourths of the Bible, of which about a third is by Moses. It revolves around the special covenant which God made with Israel, described in the first 5 books. The rest of the O. Psalms is the longest, then Isaiah. Some books are in pairs 1 and 2 Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, and several of the epistles , only 1 is a set of three 1,2,3 John. Luke and Acts form a unique pair.

There is occasional overlap of content and matter Samuel-Kings-Chronicles, the 4 Gospels, etc. The books of the Apocrypha are not part of the Bible. Though Romanism accepts them, neither the ancient Jews nor Protestants have ever accepted them. Nor are any of the books of the Pseudepigrapha in the Bible, such as the Book of Enoch.

And of course, not the Book of Mormon, or other pretended books. The canon is closed. Other authors wrote only a single short book. Some books are anonymous such as Hebrews. All books were written by men, though two books are entirely about women Ruth and Esther. The human authors were prophets, priests, kings, apostles, shepherds, generals, a doctor, court officials, and other occupations.

Hebrew is a Semitic language written from right to left, each word based around three consonants, with a grammar and vocabulary very different than English, but much in common with other ancient languages. Parts of Daniel and Ezra, and a few words and verses elsewhere, were written in Aramaic. Aramaic was the lingua franca of the ancient near east until superceded by Arabic.

It was very similar to Hebrew. There are a few Latin words, too, and also a few Egyptian and others in Job. The actual original parchments and papyri have long ago perished, but the inspired Word has been preserved by God through the ages. Jesus promised that His Word would never pass away Matt. We call this Providential Preservation. There are no lost books, sentences, words or even letters. Nor will any yet be found, otherwise they would have been lost until now. Scripture is the means of salvation and the main means of revelation in this age.

Its very nature requires its preservation. Satan has tried to destroy it, but the Bible is an anvil that has worn out many hammers. There are over 5, Greek manuscripts and over Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible, plus ancient translations and quotations. Since the Bible is a complete unity, it is very serious to tamper with it. God warns against this in Rev. Some English translations are based on the minority of ancient manuscripts which are faulty.

They tend to subtract portions such as Mark A few ancient manuscripts tend to add to the real text, such as the Codex Bezae. But the vast majority of manuscripts agree almost in complete detail, so it is wisest to stick to the middle and neither add to on the right side or subtract from on the left side. Nor may we substitute other words. This is known as the Septuagint. Other Greek translations followed. The Jews also produced paraphrased translations of most of the O.

Most were done after the time of Jesus. The Samaritans translated the Pentateuch into their language, with alterations. Some were better than others, and all are useful for study by scholars. There have been more translations of the Bible into English than into any other language. First there were bits and pieces by Bede and medieval monks. Then John Wycliffe translated the Bible from the Latin in the 14th century. The 16th century saw many other fine translations, especially the Geneva Bible. The Authorized Version of , known as the King James Version, has been the most popular one in history, even with its various slight revisions.

The New King James Version is a slight revision and is very good. The New International Version is now the best-selling translation. There have also been Jewish and Catholic translations. Overall, over translations have appeared. The Bible is the Book of God. It was inspired by God, written by God through the instrumentality of various human authors, and is primarily about God. It talks about Man, salvation, animals, the cosmos and other topics, but mainly about God.

Its ethics come from God. Its stories tell how God has worked in history. Its songs sing to and about God. Specifically, it is a book about Jesus, the only mediator between God and Man. Praise God for His Word. He is the real God, the God who really exists. He exists eternally without origin or change.

He has necessary existence, not conditional or contingent existence. He has perpetual existence in and of Himself. He has pure existence, compared to whom everything else is but a shadow. God not only exists, He lives. A stone exists, a person lives. God is the living God, as opposed to the false and dead gods of pagan religions. He is life itself, self-life. He has life in Himself, not from another. He is the source of all life. He has aseity, or life in Himself John 1: He has permanent and perpetual life. God is pure life. Therefore He is immortal.

He had no birthday, therefore no father or mother; He has no death-day, therefore no undertaker. God is the creator of everything else Gen. Creator of all, created by none. He is the first cause of everything else, but caused by nothing. God is certainly not the creation of Man. Man did not create God by imagination, nor by projecting himself to the cosmos, as atheists suggest. Nor is God self-created. He simply exists and lives of Himself. The Creator is not the Creation. Idolatry worships the Creation rather than the Creator Rom.

He is separate from His Creation. We are not part of God. God is everywhere, but is not everything. He has a separate and divine substance that is fundamentally different from the universe. Monism is also wrong to suggest that all things are one, i. Romans 1 and Psalm 19 state that God has made His existence known to all men. He is a fool who tries to deny this Psa. Therefore, there are no real atheists or agnostics.

They already know God exists. They are merely lying in order to try to run from God. We merely build upon what God has already revealed about Himself in Natural Revelation by bringing Special Revelation. Indeed, a God whose existence needed to be proved would not be the true God.

It is an insult to God to attempt to prove His existence, for that doubts the fact that He has already made His existence known. Man already knows God exists, but he must acknowledge this openly in order to come to know God personally Heb. But God is personal. Not exactly like we are personal, but more than we are. Specifically, as we shall see later, God is actually Tri-personal in the Trinity. God is a He, not an It. God is also a He, not a She.

He is personal in that He speaks, feels, thinks, remembers, recognizes, etc. God is Incomprehensible but Not Inscrutable. God has told us He exists and also gives us the privilege of knowing Him personally.

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Agnostics and Deists are wrong to say God cannot be known. Yet we can never know everything about God. Finite Man can never know all about the infinite God, not even in eternal Heaven. It would take a second God to know God fully. His attributes are beyond full knowledge Eph. God is incomprehensible to us Job There will always be something about God that only God knows Rev. Nor will we know God as God knows Himself. Man in sin does not know God 2 Thess. The basic message of Ecclesiastes is that life has no meaning, only vanity, without knowing God.

God created Man to know Him, and Man has a dreary existence without knowing God. God has allowed Himself to be known personally. This is only possible through Christ Matt. Knowing God is eternal life John God is perfect Matt. He is complete in every way. He does not need to be fed. He does not need Man. He lacks nothing in any way. He has perfect life and existence, and does not grow. He is absolute perfection. Therefore, God is perfectly happy in Himself.

God is not lonely. He did not create Man because He was lonely. There was perfect happiness, fellowship and love within the Trinity.

Nothing outside of God is ever perfect in the sense God is perfect. Yet we find a degree of perfection when we are in the right relationship with God as we ought to be, lacking nothing, Happy at last. God is Essentially Different from Us. There are two truths, which must be kept in balance. On the one hand, God created us in His image Gen. Therefore we resemble God in part. God thinks, we think. God feels, we feel. Specifically, we are to imitate certain attributes of God, which we call the Communicable Attributes. We are to be holy, truthful and loving, for God is holy, truthful and loving.

We do not nor ever can have self-existence, infinity, eternity, immutability, omniscience, omnipotence or omnipresence. These are Incommunicable Attributes. God is not of the same quality as Man. We greatly err in supposing that God is altogether such a one as we are Psa. Even our similarities with God point to the essential differences we know, God knows; but we know by learning, God knows all things already perfectly, and so on. God exists as only God exists, which is to say God alone is God. God cannot be defined. To define is to limit, but God cannot be limited.

Specifically, when we speak or think about God, we cannot fully grasp Him. Therefore, we cannot define God. Yet we can still speak and think of God in part. That means we can describe God. To be precise, God describes Himself to us. He reveals part of Himself to us description , but not all of Himself definition.

He condescends to describe Himself to us in human analogies, such as metaphors like fire, a fortress, etc. He also uses anthropomorphism, or speaking after the manner of Man. God does not literally have arms, legs, a head, etc. He even compares Himself at times with animals wings of a hen, an eagle, a lion, etc. But God is not an animal, nor a Man. God also uses anthropopathy, or describes Himself in terms of human emotions such as love, grief or anger. But the emotions of God are far greater than ours. So, Biblical descriptions are valid.


Philosophic definitions always leave something to be desired e. God told Adam to name all the animals, but did not allow him to name God. Names carry a kind of identifying definition in them. Just as God swears by Himself because there is no one higher, so He describes Himself best by analogy with Himself. God is self-defined, He gives several names in Scripture. Some are used many times, others only rarely. Each is a short description of Himself.

Often they are used together.

Chew on this: 31 Biblical Devotions into the Heart of Christ (Invert) By ABMROS | eBay

And there is a name of God which only God Himself knows Rev. It is the plural of a variety of short Hebrew words, such as EL Ex. There is a corresponding term in the New Testament in Rev. This is the most personal name of all, more a personal name than a title. Sometimes it is shortened to YAH Ex. It speaks of God as the One who Is. It is His covenant name.

It means lord, master, ruler, owner. Coming to the New Testament, we find several names as well. It was used in ancient Greek literature. This is the word in the Greek O. It means lord, master, owner. In Greek it could mean sir or master when speaking of a dignitary. There is only one God and only one Lord I Cor.

God is Lord of all. Two other similar words are used in the N. God, then, reveals Himself in a variety of short names that describe Himself to us. This is because God is true. He is the true God, in contrast to the many false gods. He is the real God. He is also Truth itself. Indeed, God cannot lie Titus 1: He always keeps His promises. His Word is inerrant and infallible.

He does not deceive. He is trustworthy and, dependable, solid and sure. He likens Himself to a rock. There is only one God, and He is Lord over all. But that does not mean that He is to be identified with the gods of non-Christian religions. Romans 1 says that they worship idols of all sorts. Some are physical images of stone or wood. All pagan gods are idols Psa. They are all false gods, not the true God. For example, Allah is not Jehovah. Even the Canaanites worshipped a false god named EL. What then are these false gods?

On the one hand, negatively, they are no-gods, non-divinities, nothings.

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If you've ever watched a dog chew on a bone, you've probably noticed how hard she concentrates on it―turning it over, getting a stronger grip, digging her teeth. If you've ever watched a dog chew on a bone, you've probably noticed how hard she concentrates on it—turning it over, getting a stronger grip, digging her teeth.

On the other, they do have an identity. They are demons in disguise. Pagan religions are merely denominations of one world-wide Satanic religion. Vishnu is a demon, Krishna is a demon, Baal is a demon, Isis is a demon, etc. The Jews give lip service to the one true God, but in rejecting Christ they fall short of knowing the one true God.

Through Christ alone we know God. The Trinity is the Mystery of Mysteries. The doctrine of the Trinity is the greatest mystery in the Bible. It is revealed, but not fully revealed. Nor will it ever be fully comprehended by Man even in Heaven. It is vastly deep and high, and inspires holy awe in those who approach it rightly. But it has been rejected by many cults, some liberals, and even some Pentecostals, such as the United Pentecostal Church, not to mention Jews and Moslems. There is no perfect analogy to the Trinity in Creation, so the doctrine is taught by Special Revelation and not by mere Natural Revelation.

Yet no one place in Scripture discusses it at length. It is learned by comparing text with text. Still, some places are of particular importance in setting forth the Trinity, such as the Baptism of Jesus Matt. All three members of the Trinity are sometimes mentioned together, such as 2 Cor.

The first truth of the doctrine of the Trinity is that there is only one God. The Lord our God, the Lord is one. There has always been only one God and will always be only one God. The doctrine of the Trinity does not teach that there are three gods. The unity of God disproves polytheism that there are many gods, such as in Hinduism and henotheism one favorite god among many others.

All Members of the Trinity are Equal. The Bible also teaches that there is something plural within God. They share the same one divine nature, the same substance of deity. Thus, all are equal, for one infinite being cannot be larger than another infinite being. There is no hierarchy or subordinate natures within the Trinity. Each one is fully God and has all the attributes of full deity. Each one is God and with God John 1: The Son is equal with the Father John 5: The latter reflects and reveals the first.

The Members of the Trinity are Not Identical. The three divine members share the same nature, but have distinct persons. They are not three in the same sense that they are one, so there is no contradiction here. There is only one Father, one Son, and one Spirit Eph. It was the Son, not the Father nor the Spirit, who became a man. It was the Spirit, not the Son nor the Father, who came at Pentecost. The atonement was presented to the Father, not to the Son or the Spirit. Jesus prayed to the Father in John 17, not to Himself. The Father spoke to Jesus at His Baptism; this was no ventriloquism.

Some groups reject the idea of the Trinity but accept the deity of Christ, saying there is no difference between the three at all. But it is not Biblical Trinitarianism. Scripture repeatedly speaks of God as the Father. This one is not just Father of Christians, but the Father of the Son. He was Father to the Son from all eternity. The Father received the atonement from the Son, who represented Man. Later we will discuss the deity of Christ more fully. Over Bible verses prove the deity of Jesus Christ e.

He was worshipped as God. There are three divine persons, but only one is Son. The Son is Eternally Begotten by the Father. The distinctive feature of the Second Person of the Trinity is that He alone is eternally begotten. He is God the Son within the Trinity. This eternal begetting is indicated in John 1: In theology, it is called Eternal Generation. It is eternal; there was never a time that He was not the Son. Some Evangelicals deny this. But Jesus was Son before the Incarnation.

In fact, the Incarnation is the historical or Economical display of the eternal or Ontological nature of the Trinity. Just as a human father has the same nature as his son e. The Father alone begets the Son. There is no divine mother, no, not even the Spirit. There is only one Holy Spirit Eph. He is personal, for He speaks, feels, thinks, is grieved, has joy, etc. He convicts of sin, regenerates sinners into saints, indwells believers, etc. But first of all, the Holy Spirit is God. To lie to the Spirit is to lie to God Acts 5: The Spirit is God Isa.

He is every much eternally God as are the Father and the Son. All three are equal in power, glory and majesty. It is not the same as the eternal generation of the Son, which comes from the Father, not the Father and the Spirit. The Spirit eternally proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

It is difficult to ascertain just what this procession is. It is akin to eternal breathing, thus an eternal spiration. This was reflected in the Spirit coming in a special way on the Day of Pentecost. He reveals the Father and the Son, and stays in the background. He brings the elect to Christ, who brings them to the Father. All in all, the members of the Trinity work together for their mutual glory, which is a display of their perfect unity and diversity. God fills all time and dwells in the realm of eternity Isa.

He is the Ancient of Days Dan. He is not only older than the universe, He is eternal. He never had a beginning. He is from everlasting to everlasting Psa. He is, was and always shall be Rev. We cannot fully grasp just what eternity is, though, for we are not eternal. We are limited by time; God is not. God is eternal in His love and other attributes. He gives eternal life, which is not merely endless life but eternal in its quality. God is not limited by time; neither is He limited by space. He is omnipresent, or present everywhere at the same time.

God is not only big; He is sizeless. There is no place where God is not. He is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. The entire universe cannot contain Him Acts The universe, therefore, is not infinite, but God is. He is everywhere, but especially in Heaven. Also, He is imminent, or near all of us. He is also transcendent, or high above us Isa. God is spirit, not a spirit John 4: This refers to His being, not the Holy Spirit. God has no material body. His substance is pure and uncreated spirit. He is invisible to us now, but one day we will see Him.

Being pure spirit, He is one in being, not having parts. The attributes of God are not parts of God, but qualities of His whole being. The Mormons are wrong to say God has a physical body. No, but God the Son became a man and took on a fleshly body John 1: God is perfect, and therefore never changes Mal. There is no shadow of change in His being James 1: Nor can He change for the worse, for that would mean He is not perfect. He is not growing, either. This does not mean He is stagnant, though. He is perfect in life. And God does not change His mind or decrees.

He is the same yesterday, today and forever Heb. Everything else changes, but not God Heb. He is absolutely pure. He is absolutely morally pure. It is not that He became pure by purification, but is pure by nature. He is totally just. His will is Law for all His creatures, but there is no higher law to which God is subject.

Also, because we are not holy, God is angry. He is filled with wrath and fury, far more than we can imagine. God is so holy that He cannot break His own Law. It is the height of blasphemy, then, for any mere sinful creature to accuse God of doing anything wrong. Being angry against sin, God will punish all unrepentant sinners in eternal Hell. We can never be as holy as God, but should strive to obey Him in all things without hesitation or question. God is King of Kings. He is the absolute ruler of the entire universe.

He is the just totalitarian potentate of everything, and is subject to nothing and nobody. He is absolutely free and independent. He does whatever He wants to Psa. He owns everything and does whatever He wants to with it. He rules as King over all Psa. He is the supreme judge, above whom there is no appeal. Therefore, no one can accuse God, for He is the potter and we are the clay Rom.

Is it not His right to do whatever He wants to with His universe? God is omnipotent, or all-powerful. He is God Almighty. He has all power and strength. He has all life and energy within Himself, and supplies life and energy to His universe. Being omnipotent, there is nothing too hard for Him to do. He never grows tired, nor sleeps. Even when He ceased creating all things, He was not resting.

Being the highest and perfect God that He is, He has this infinite power from within Himself, not from outside Himself. He knows all things. He knows every detail of everything that is, was, or ever shall be. He also knows every possibility of things that could be but never will be. He knows all answers to all questions. He makes no mistakes. He never learns, for He has always known everything about everything. He knows the future. God is also perfectly wise. He knows what is best. He knows all relationships between facts and how they work out together for the planned end.

Finally, God has perfect self-knowledge. First, God loves Himself. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit all love each other perfectly.

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But God expresses this internal love externally to His creatures. He has a general love for all things as creatures. But He also has a special love for His people, which is called election. He has grace for the guilty, mercy for the miserable, kindness for the helpless. God is all glorious within. He is the God of glory. Within the Trinity, there has always been an infinite splendor of light and glory that we have never seen or known.

It is the glory of God. It is His plan to reveal this internal glory externally to His creation.

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He does not need Man. He reveals the Father and the Son, and stays in the background. And sandwiched between the Old Testament predictions of the future and the New Testament explanations of the past, we find the four Gospels which describe the person and work of Christ in a special way. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. He knows all relationships between facts and how they work out together for the planned end. We use it in English to refer to the right mainstream as opposed to the unusual fringe such as orthodox medicine vs. Use a concordance and cross references to compare Scripture with Scripture.

This glory will one day be revealed and reflected in all things. His love will be displayed in His elect, His wrath in the non-elect. In turn, this revealed glory will be reflected back to God. What is the glory of God? It is His splendor, His fame, His beauty. It is the revelation of what He is, all that He is, all His attributes together in perfect harmony. It is often compared to light in all its various refracted colors, like the rainbow. It is living glory. And the focal point of it is the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom God reveals His glory to creation, and through whom He receives it back again.

The universe is not a car without a driver, nor a driver without a map. There is a purpose behind everything. The Bible often speaks of this great plan of God. God has planned out this purpose in advance. It is an absolute purpose, not merely a wish or command. God has decreed His purpose and it shall happen. The plan of God is also called predestination. God pre-programmed everything that will come to pass Eph. He not only created all things Gen. He foreordained what will happen, and He did this in advance in eternity. He drew up the plan before He laid the foundation.

He pre-determined what would happen, not merely what could or should happen. Then He set the ball rolling in a certain course, and it must follow the pre-arranged course. There is a time for every purpose under Heaven, says Eccl. God has planned out this great purpose to the smallest detail. This includes the exact timing when everything would occur. He also prepared every relationship with every other detail. Even the smallest and seemingly insignificant detail was included, such as the number of hairs on our heads.

He prepared this detailed inventory in advance, and the construction of the universe follows it perfectly, for God is the great architect and contractor who never makes a mistake. In theology, we speak of the great plan as the decree, the individual details as decrees. Since God has determined everything in advance, there is no such thing as chance. It denies the existence of a personal and sovereign God who foreordains everything.

Similarly, there is no such thing as luck, either good or bad. Nor is there any fortune or accidents. Even the roll of dice has been determined by God Pro. Conversely, there is also no such thing as blind fate, a concept promoted by the ancient Stoics. Whatever will be will be, only because God has determined it so. Coincidence is true only in the sense that two events may co-incide, or happen at the same time.

But that is because God planned it like that. This plan will, shall and must come to completion. It is inevitable because God is sovereign and omnipotent. Neither angel, demon, sinner or saint can stop it in any detail, for even their actions to stop it are part of the plan.

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Nothing can stop it. But God has sworn with an oath that He will not change it. He is not fickle like a man who can change his mind Jer. In time, God interacts with us, and seems to change His actions, but this is all part of the great strategy. He is not an Indian-giver or cheat. He keeps the oath He has sworn. This should be obvious, since nobody else existed when God made the plan. He did not consult with the angels, for they are not on the same level as God.

He consulted only with Himself within the Trinity Eph. Who is able to serve as advisor to God on such things? God did not consult with Man even by foresight, for He foresaw what He pre-determined would occur. When it comes to pass, then, only God can take the credit for the accomplishment of what was planned. God has revealed that there is a plan, and has even revealed a few details of the plan. But He has not revealed it all, nor could we comprehend it all even if He did.

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