Doty is a professor and director of the Smell and Taste Center at the University of Pennsylvania, inventor of the widely used UPSIT test for assessing smell function, and author or editor of over scientific publications and books, including the Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation , Taste and Smell in Health and Disease , and, most recently, The Neurology of Olfaction, coauthored with Christopher Hawkes.
In a concise but totally convincing manner, Richard Doty sweeps away the pervasive mythology of pheromones. This book will make a major contribution to the field by either galvanizing people to prove Doty wrong or applying brakes to a field that may be fast moving down the wrong track. Here he performs a great service by turning his critical eye on the many claims for pheromone communication between animals.
His book provides a thorough review of all the relevant literature, laying out the case against the evidence supporting pheromones in mammals, including humans. The book is written in an easily accessible manner. It will help investigators and the public alike understand our ignorance and misconceptions, and should stimulate renewed research to clarify this fascinating subject. Along the way, he presents a fascinating tour of the diversity and complexity of chemical communication in mammals.
It, however, goes further showing us how the pheromone concept has blinded us to the complex and multimodal character of olfactory phenomena and perception. Are birth rates or other indices of sexual behavior higher in states or counties with pig farms? The book has generally been received well by the scientific community. But after reading this book, I will certainly be more circumspect when referring to pheromones in future. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 8 August American Journal of Human Biology.
The Quarterly Review of Biology. Retrieved 15 August Don't trust the hype about pheromones and sexual attraction". Scientist's claim that 'attraction chemicals' are all in the mind". Comment on Weller and Weller. Coital behavior in dogs. Preferential mating in the bitch. The functionality of the human vomeronasal organ VNO: Evidence for steroid receptors.
Bird S, Gower D.
Turns out, mice use both their VNO and main smelling system to detect pheromones, so maybe humans don't need that specialized organ. Among the secretions of the apocrine sweat glands are lipids, including cholesterol, sterol esters, triglycerides, diglycerides, fatty acids, and wax esters. Letter to the editor. In sum, getting back to the question: Other titles in this collection. Using capillary gas chromatography—mass spectrometry with specific ion monitoring, Nixon et al.
The validation and use of a radioimmunoassay for 5 alpha-androstenone in human axillary collections. Does smelling granny relieve depressive mood? Endocrine and exocrine factors in the reproductive behaviour of the pig. Boulkroune N, Wang L. Repetitive olfactory exposure to the biologically significant steroid androstadienone causes a hedonic shift and gender dimorphic changes in olfactory-evoked potentials. Pheromonal influences on mammalian reproduction. Pheromonal Influences on Mammalian Reproduction. Indiana University Press; Urine marking in mice: Mammalian Olfaction, Reproductive Processes and Behavior.
L, Brown R, Gustafsson J. PMC ] [ PubMed: Advances in the Study of Behavior. Isolation, identification, and function of the chief component of the male tarsal scent in black-tailed deer. Caroom D, Bronson F. Responsiveness of female mice to preputial attractant: Effects of sexual experience and ovarian hormones. Responses of rats to sex odors.
Responses to feminine odors in normal and castrated male rats. Olfactory imprinting and age variables in the guinea-pig. Chen D, Haviland-Jones J. Rapid mood change and human odors. Claus R, Hoppen H. The boar-pheromone steroid identified in vegetables.
Likelihood of human pheromones. Identification of primate sexual pheromones and the properties of synthetic attractants.
Olfactory communication in humans. Gender and endocrine-related influences upon olfactory sensitivity. Clinical Measurement of Taste and Smell. The olfactory vector hypothesis of neurodegenerative disease: The Great Pheromone Myth. Johns Hopkins University Press; Sex differences and reproductive hormone influences on human odor perception. A, Ram C, Yankell S.
Communication of gender from human breath odors: Relationship to perceived intensity and pleasantness. Psychophysical measurement of olfactory function, including odorant mixture assessment. Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation. M, Leyden J, Kligman A. Communication of gender from human axillary odors: Relationship to perceived intensity and hedonicity. Axillary 5 alpha-androstenone in men and women: Relationships with olfactory acuity to odorous androstenes.
Comparison of androstene steroid concentrations in sterile apocrine sweat and axillary secretions: Olfaction in humans with special reference to odorous androstenes: Their occurrence, perception and possible social, psychological and sexual impact. Menstrual synchrony in female undergraduates living on a coeducational campus. Androstenol, a putative human pheromone, affects human Homo sapiens male choice performance. The behaviour of swine. The Behavior of Domestic Animals.
Williams and Wilkins; An application of longitudinal methods to the analysis of menstrual diary data. Identification of new odoriferous compounds in human axillary sweat. Havlicek J, Lenochova P. The effect of meat consumption on body odor attractiveness. Havlicek J, Murray A. Current issues in the study of androstenes in human chemosignaling.
Hold B, Schleidt M.
The importance of human odour in non-verbal communication. Multimodal signals in ant communication. Z, Putnam P, Haynes O. Stability of emotion experiences and their relations to traits of personality. Changes in the odor quality of androstadienone during exposure-induced sensitization. Janeczko A, Skoczowski A.
Mammalian sex hormones in plants. Karlson P, Butenandt A. Pheromones ectohormones in insects. A new term for a class of biologically active substances. The smell of some steroid sex-hormones and their metabolites: Reflections and experiments concerning the significance of smell for the mutual relation of the sexes. Preference for and sensitivity to the odours of androstenone and musk. Use of gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric techniques in studies of androstene and androgen biosynthesis in human testis; cytosolic specific binding of 5alpha-androstenone. GC-MS studies of androstenes and other C19 steroids in human semen.
Odor detection, generation and etiology in the axilla. Felger C, Laden K, editors. Steroid analysis of human apocrine secretion. Progesterone antagonism of androgen-dependent aggression-promoting pheromone in inbred mice Mus musculus. J, Holzle E, Labows J. The microbiology of the human axilla and its relationship to axillary odor. Subthreshold amounts of social odorant affect mood, but not behavior, in heterosexual women when tested by a male, but not a female, experimenter.
Causation of sexual preferences of the house mouse. The behaviour of mice reared by parents whose odour was artificially altered.
Social attachment in rats by odor and age. Letter to the editor. Menstrual synchorony and suppression. Androgen steroids associated with boar odour as an aid to the detection of oestrus in pig artificial insemination. Primate sex pheromones of vaginal origin. Isolation of male sex attractants from a female primate. The human vomeronasal system. The dose-response to testosterone propionate of preputial glands, pheromones and aggression in mice. Pheromones in black-tailed deer Odocoileus heminonus columbianus.
Identification of active component in the subauricular scent of the male pronghorn. Nixon A, Mallet A. Simultaneous quantification of five odorous steroids androstenes in the axillary hair of men. Structural and configurational dependence of the sensory process in steroids.
Olfactory stimuli in mammalian reproduction. Possible contribution of phenolic components to boar odour. Acidic components of boar preputial fluid. The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature. Preti G, Cutler W. The role of donor extract of females.
The Great Pheromone Myth is a book on pheromones and their application to chemosensation in mammals by Richard Doty, director of the University of. Mammalian pheromones, audiomones, visuomones, and snarks—Richard Doty argues that they all belong in the same category: objects of imagination.
E, Deck J, Francoer D. The effects of males, athletic activities and all female living conditions on the menstrual cycle. Androgen steroids as an aid to the detection of oestrus in pig artificial insemination. Olfactory influences on the human menstrual cycle.
Problems with dimensionless measurement models of synchrony in biological systems. Menstrual-cycle variability and measurement: Further cause for doubt. Problems and new directions for research. A multitude of errors in menstrual-synchrony research: Replies to Weller and Weller and Graham Do human menstrual-cycle pheromones exist? Personal odor and nonverbal communication. A cross-cultural study on the attitude towards personal odors. Quantification of the response of equine apocrine sweat glands to beta2-adrenergic stimulation.
Sex-based differences in food consumption: Biochemical profile of uremic breath New England. I, Sunavala G, Harmony J.
Identification and immunohistochemical localization of protein precursors to human axillary odors in apocrine glands and secretions. Humoral pathway for local transfer of the priming pheromone androstenol from the nasal cavity to the brain and hypophysis in anaesthetized gilts. Stern K, McClintock M. Regulation of ovulation by human pheromones. The biology of menstruation in Homo Sapiens: Total lifetime menses, fecundity, and nonsychrony in a natural-fertility population.
Identification of a ventral scent marking pheromone in the male Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus. Biochemistry of human skin—Our brain on the outside. Variation of the human menstrual cycle through reproductive life. Weller A, Weller L. Menstrual synchrony between mothers and daughters and between roommates.
Menstrual synchrony under optimal conditions: Prolonged and very intensive contact may not be conductive to menstrual synchrony. Weller L, Weller A. Multiple influences of menstrual synchrony: Kibbutz roommates, their best friends, and their mothers. Menstrual variability and the measurement of menstrual synchrony. Human menstrual synchrony in families and among close friends: Examining the importance of mutual exposure.