Kitchen Clinic

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Mon, Aug 19 Make your own therapeutic water to detoxify and cleanse the system. Your health on your kitchen shelf.

It seems like the whole of Bollywood swears by her naturopathy-related ideas. Random House, pages, Rs The difference between liquid intake and water intake is usually misunderstood.

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All liquids do not necessarily hydrate your system. Many medical conditions can be very effectively treated with foods, herbs and spices found in your kitchen.

They are gently effective and have fewer toxic side effects. For example — coriander, celery, parsley and doodhi white pumpkin can reduce hypertension. Flax oil, fish oil and walnuts can reduce your risk of cardiac disease as well as help alleviate arthritic pain and depression. Garlic can reduce your risk of cardio-vascular disease and cancer. Once you begin to pay closer attention to what you eat and include certain herbs and spices into your daily diet, you will be able to avoid frequent coughs and colds, recover quickly from illness, increase fitness and energy levels, get relief from aches and pains, reduce your stress levels and generally feel much better as you enjoy good health, always.

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What are the myths associated with naturopathy that generally refrain people from trying it? That is definitely not true. Most patients will get relief from a combination of the two forms of therapy.

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Do ensure, however, that you carefully check the drawbacks of misusing these simple remedies. It is an ENT specialist; it can deal with problems dealing with the eyes, nose and throat. Several books have been written about the magical properties of haldi turmeric.

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It is used to control nausea, improve appetite and can be chewed as a natural mouth freshener. It can cool off high fever, relieve stomach ache and aid recovery from jaundice. It is used to treat menstrual problems.

The Kitchen Clinic

Divine Life Society , Swami Sivananda. It is also used to add a dash of sweetness where white sugar may not be used, as with diabetes. It is one of the best ways to remove fungal infections. This will remove the ugly white fungal coating permanently. It is used to relieve bad breath or halitosis. Cinnamon bark, rubbed with lime, can be applied on skin eruptions for relief.

Cinnamon gargle or tea can help clear mucous overload at throat or relieve the sinus too. It is used to treat uro-genital problems, especially in women.

Kitchen clinic: Home remedies for everyday ailments

It can help control respiratory tract issues. It can be used to relieve loose motions. Swami Sivananda writes that it is a good substitute or partner with clove. It has aphrodisiac properties. This means it can relieve depression and give you a high. It is used to relieve a bad throat, control coughing and relieve congestion.

It is used to soothe the throat and thus sweeten the voice.

Kitchen Clinic

It can relieve nausea and control vomiting. It is traditionally used widely in dental problems, including controlling toothache. One of its few unknown properties is that it can quench thirst!

It is an ideal retort to acidity.