The Fourth Reich

Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies. We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future. Click here for instructions. Home News Sport Business. Chancellor Merkel has ensured her country prospers while others suffer Credit: We've noticed you're adblocking.

We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism. Thank you for your support. By peace he shall destroy many! A great church actually guides this militaristic union.

Why United States Is the Fourth Reich

It looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon! That makes the political beast, which is empowered by Satan, all the more deceitful. Today, most of the truth is underground —hidden from the world. But that is changing fast. Russia and China will then strike fear in the king of the north. The king of the north is then defeated.

The Fourth Reich is here - without a shot being fired

But he also comes to his end. Here is another statement by the pope: The pope is right! Jesus Christ, on the other hand, has an unblemished record of peace. He will soon return to this earth and give its inhabitants rivers of living water. These leaders have ushered in the age of flower-power war. His avoidance of the draft a sore point among many U. Clinton met Sandy Berger. Berger is now National Security Adviser to his old anti-war activist comrade. In the seven years they have worked together, they have ordered 28 military deployments.

He also opposed any deployment of troops or military action in the Vietnam War. In he moved into political office and staged his campaign on an anti-war policy. The paradox is that the very policies these former doves opposed are now policies that they themselves struggle to implement as they fly off to war. Anciently the prophet Isaiah foretold of our time when powerful politicians, military personnel, government advisers and eloquent spokesmen would be removed Isa. As long as liberal-socialist leadership continues in the policy of self-righteous flower-power warfare waged for short-term political gain—as long as American and British leadership is seen internationally to be lacking the will to use their full fire power for clear-cut goals and pursue those goals to all-out victory— flower-power war promises to backfire in an unprecedented fashion.

U nder the umbrella of nato, Germany has, over the past few years, obtained complete acceptance by the West of the deployment of both its ground and air forces in combat roles. Not only that, it now seems that the Kosovo conflict will gain for Germany that which it has sought all along in the Balkans: Tirana, a deep-water port on the coast of Albania in the warm Adriatic Sea, is the plum.

The port of Tirana, located near the junction of the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas, is within closest proximity of any port in either sea to the largest concentration of ballistic and anti-ballistic weaponry in the entire Mediterranean region. As Germany quietly performs its duty as a loyal nato member, the U.

Albania will become the main base of operations for the peace-keeping forces in Yugoslavia.

The trade-off is the huge benefit to its weakened ex-Maoist economy. Game, set and match to Germany. S cotland successfully voted for its own parliament and Wales for its own national assembly last month. A unity of will and purpose which staved off attacks from the might of Spain and France in their heydays and brought them through to victory in two great world wars. Devolution is indeed the trump card in the hand of those who, for reasons best known to themselves, have schemed for decades to destroy the last vestiges of the greatest empire and commonwealth the world has ever known.

Finally, Great Britain has a government which the people voted into power on a platform to devolve parliamentary power away from Westminster, mother of all parliaments, to the separate nations comprising the United Kingdom.

Not only that—this present British government has a determination to eliminate the upper house of Parliament in its present and ancient form as the House of Lords. A specific initiative, eliminating the right of hereditary peers to vote in the House of Lords, faces implementation by the current government. The hereditary peers generally hail from ancient families of landed gentry whose commercial, military and administrative abilities led the way in building the British Empire. This reflects typical wooly-headed liberal-socialist thinking.

No person in history has ever yet demonstrated how any act of division can lead to a maintenance of unity. A prime consideration in the devolution process is the party in opposition, the Scottish National Party, wedded as it is to the specific objective of full independence from the UK. Should they prove an effective opposition in representing the interests of their constituents and the Scottish nation, they could well be voted in at the next Scottish elections.

A British government now intent on breaking up this union is simply blind to this history. A history which will return to bite it very hard in the not-too-distant future. One of the last times Germany and Russia colluded, the result was 7 million Ukrainians starving to death, German democracy collapsing, and the rise of Adolf Hitler. The Tories, historically the traditional royalists, protectors of ancient heritage, bastions of business, upholders of morality and honor, are bitterly divided in many quarters, seemingly unable to mount a coherent resistance to the perceived destructive forces of socialism that continue to eat away at the British national character.

Why are these two nations, which have so dominated international politics over the past years, so fractious and divided politically at this time? If we analyze each one, we shall find a common thread which runs through each nation.


The hereditary peers generally hail from ancient families of landed gentry whose commercial, military and administrative abilities led the way in building the British Empire. And where is it all leading? The European Union superstate is revealed as a front for a sinister conspiracy, one rooted in the last days of the Second World War. In , John J. Enjoy unlimited streaming on Prime Video. It certainly is by God, if not by man. It is most obvious to 6 million Serbs in Yugoslavia!

It runs through Britain, ancient kingdom of seafaring, peace-loving and historically gentle folk. Let us consider each in turn, ponder their present state, and judge the outcome toward which each of these nations is inevitably headed. The past ten years have been a roller-coaster ride for the greatest single nation on earth. Previous to that, following the iron curtain clanging shut in , splitting the political continent of Europe East from West through the heart of Germany, the world scene was dominated by two great nations.

The United States of America, supported by its traditional Western allies, dominated the Western world. Looking back on this era of fresh rapport between Russia and America, it is interesting to note that in his national bestseller, simply titled Perestroika, Gorbachev specifically highlighted the audience he wished to influence with this startling new concept. This book, first published in , rocketed to the top of the American bestseller lists. Curiously, in a series of now-published memoranda to the cia , ex-Soviet agent Anatoly Golitsyn, who defected to the West in , warned the U.

We quote here from a memorandum sent by Golitsyn to the cia on July 4, Now they can resume their diplomatic offensive against West Germany…to lead to the reunification of Germany and the break-up of the nato alliance….

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With the perestroika deception in place, all Russia needed was a compliant administration in the U. They made few inroads with the Reagan administration, some little headway with the Bush administration and have since made giant leaps in taking advantage of the current center-left Democratic administration in Washington. A case in point is the current Kosovo crisis. It worked like this: Milosevic could not afford to lose his old ally Russia. Russia needs money, truckloads of it, to help restore its ailing economy. Well, as they say, money talks. Russia gains prestige on the world stage as it works to cobble together its old empire.

Milosevic will be contained but saves face with his people and awaits the aid which the West will throw at Yugoslavia to restructure its war-torn economy. Germany wins, hands down, by strengthening its presence in Albania and gaining a foothold in Serbia, thus inching its hegemony eastward. The Albanian economy wins big-time; the UN regains a little of its battered prestige. America primarily, with Britain runner-up. It still possesses great power. But two petty dictators of two small nations, Iraq and Serbia, have proven that America no longer has the capacity or the will to use its might in defense of right to the point of victory.

America is not willing to shed blood to protect and sustain the values for which it fought and bled to ultimate victory in two great world wars. It is hard to imagine the nation that was born of the endeavors of Paul Revere and the Minutemen is the same modern America…. We predicted in our September-October edition that Kosovo would be the crisis point of Western leadership.

Now we see the result. The Democrats were in disarray. Should we continue to bomb Kosovo, should we not? Should we send in ground troops, should we not? The same confusion reigned in Republican ranks. As soon as the bombs began to rain down on Serbia, a high-volume squabble erupted within the Republican and conservative arena. Why should we wonder that such confusion reigns? It is patently obvious to the general public that under the cloak of nato , the U. It is certainly obvious to Slobodan Milosevic! It is most obvious to 6 million Serbs in Yugoslavia!

It is termed a conflict, a campaign, an operation, air strikes , anything other than its singular defining term— war! No wonder both sides of the House are divided. This war is being played out by the U. Stand your distance, press a button, see the flash on the screen, switch off and walk away. Meanwhile, the real losers in this Balkan war, the masses of displaced Albanians and the disrupted Serbian population, are sacrificed on the altar of political convenience.

The plain fact is that the U. Get in, hit Milosevic, he backs off, we claim victory and everyone goes home, with Kosovo secured for its Albanian majority population. There will be no U. There was no plan B. Kosovo turned into a crisis for the U. The point is, not only has Kosovo become a crisis for the U. As many pundits have put it, the current leadership in Britain and the U.

For the British leadership, it is the Falklands or the Gulf. Both the present British and U. Similar to the U. The point is, we have a generation of leaders, in the U. Where is the sense of morality that a smiling British prime minister insists is the reason he has readily joined Britain with America in leading this grubby war against Yugoslavia? Inasmuch as they even had objectives, our ministers have regularly discarded them, inventing new ones as they go along. Staying 25 Percent Ahead of the Tories.

Is that what it has come to? If that be so, and much evidence has been put forward in this age of media-spin to support that, then Britain has fallen far from the days of her erstwhile Esther-like leader, Margaret Thatcher. In contrast, President Clinton and Mr. Blair went to war in the most casual manner; we are now seeing the consequences of their insouciance. As for morality, a junior American officer once made an unwise comment during the Vietnam War.

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  4. The Fourth Reich in Disguise!

To save the village of An Loc, he said, we had to destroy it. Far from this whole Balkans fiasco—from the earlier Bosnia debacle to the recent Kosovo crisis—being approached from a truly moral perspective, many arguments could be put to the contrary. Could we please have a description of the moral principles for which the British and U.

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By their own behavior, these leaders demonstrate that they certainly do not stand for the moral tenets of Britain and America upon which their societies fought two great world wars. Whose moral standards apply? Is that the sort of society American and British leadership in their sanctimonious, center-left self-righteousness would fight to impose on Kosovo, to force Slobodan Milosevic and the Serb nation to subscribe to?

George Friedman, chairman of Stratfor Systems and a political science expert, tends to pin down the current leadership vacuum in the U.

Dwight Eisenhower was trusted by the American people. You know, you talk about the moral connection between character and behavior…. Well, [the current American administration] cannot be trusted to make the correct judgment in the simplest matter, and therefore…has no credibility in the broader ones…. And the notion of republican virtue was that these men were wise and decent men, who could be trusted to take issues that you and I are not fully competent to discuss, and act wisely.

And the problem with [the current administration] is that no one, [not even its] closest defender, would say that this is a [leadership] with moral instincts, that allows us to suspend judgment on anything. America is in the process of withdrawal from its position as global policeman. Terrorists have learned that a bomb placed near a U. This happened in the wake of the bombing of the U. Under threat, the U. Yet, this administration in America, which turns pale at the sight of any blood spilled by an American boy in battle, will not blanch one whit at the slaughter of 31 million American-conceived lives in the wombs of its mothers on its own national soil!

With the main players in this Balkan war, the U. The quiet players behind the scenes are the Vatican and Germany. Yet they are involved, and up to their neck in it. The pope even recently said the Vatican had been busy working for a solution to the Kosovo crisis.

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  3. Why United States Is the Fourth Reich?
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It resurfaced at the Group of Eight talks in May when Joschka Fischer publicly read a peace proposal to which they were actively seeking to draw both Russians and Americans into agreement. On the religious connection, Eastern Orthodox patriarchs visited Milosevic in April to influence efforts for a settlement to the Kosovo crisis. That was a historical occasion. Readers of this magazine will know that we have long supported the view of Herbert W. Armstrong, founded upon prophetic scriptural evidence, that the coming European federal government would exhibit both eastern and western legs Dan.

Without the biblical perspective of God-breathed prophecy for these turbulent times which we are living through as we approach the nexus of the end of one millennium on the Roman calendar and the start of another, little sense can be made of world events.

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However, with the vision of inspired biblical prophecy, we can readily see the motives and read the inevitable outcome of such events as are occurring right now in the Balkans. The current, albeit laborious, seemingly confused and lumbering efforts of a domestically embattled Russian power bloc, painfully sticking back together its old empire, will continue. Its nuclear power, though rusting and ill-secured, is still breathtaking in its scope and extent of deployment.

With Russia looming again on the horizon across the Polish plain, Germany gets the jitters. Germany will never trust nato in a European adventure again. Apart from this, Germany has never, ever trusted Russia! In the German foreign minister negotiated a non-aggression pact with Russia. We believe that a similar pact will soon be concluded between Russia and Germany. So, how did we get to this position just ten years on from the cessation of the cold war? The US has military bases in over countries around the world.

Over the past quarter-century, it has been in a permanent state of illegal war. The legacy of the American Fourth Reich is evident for those with open minds: Former editor and writer for major news media organizations. He has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. Unless more people begin to heed the wise words of individuals like the Dalai Lama and, yes, Steve Bannon, the entire European project will collapse. Just as in its relations with Russia, it would serve Britain better to cease posturing and try moderation with China.

The only option the US is considering is that of providing Ukraine with arms to fight Russia and then egging Kiev on to escalate the tensions. And those are already dangerously