How To Create The Mindset of Prosperity and Wealth: Womans guide to a money making attitude

Fine-Tuning Your Prosperity Mindset

The timing has never been better for Session Two: And it's happening right now too. Now I'll show you how to DO it. Not by taking advantage of others' misfortunes, but by expanding your own wealth-attracting force with the secrets I'll share with you in this amazing and extremely timely session.

What is Your Money Vibration?

I'm not saying you don't need everything else I give you in the program, but the secrets I share in this session are among the most powerful ones I know, including:. The fact is, most of us are walking around in a cultural trance. Conditioned from birth and encouraged all our lives to believe all kinds of things about money that are out-and-out LIES! They're messing you up and blocking your power, and you need to stop them now.

So we'll take them one by one and explode them once and for all in this session, including:. You may be tempted to skip ahead to Session Five: These work only if you've absorbed the information in Sessions One through Four. But if you have Among other things, you'll learn:. YES, I want to use the Law of Attraction to bring money into my life easily and automatically, starting right now.

I've spent 30 years creating, launching, marketing, and profiting from more businesses, products, and enterprises than I can count - and helping my friends and students do the same. In this session I download for you the very best of everything I've learned and done. Actual turnkey business ideas. Did I say "finally" a few sentences back? Well hang on, because the audio sessions are just the beginning of what you'll get with this incredible program. The Secret to Attracting Money also includes:. As I've said before, this program isn't just about attraction.

And it's not just about listening. The workbook that accompanies the audio sessions is an absolutely critical component of the program for that very reason. Packed with exercises, assessments, and information you won't hear on the CDs , the guidebook will engage all of your senses in the active process of money-attraction - and help reinforce what you learn at both the conscious and subconscious levels.

Don't even think about leaving it in the package. This system will not work without it. I love music CDs that come with liner notes. Personal reflections that give you some insight into what was going on with an artist or band while they were creating the music you're listening to. This bonus CD is like the liner notes for the audio program. I share the things I discovered as I was formulating my system for attracting wealth These are the things that have helped me to make that system work better and better.

And also, some of the missteps I made along the way, laid out here so that you can avoid repeating them. It's pretty personal stuff. But this program wouldn't be complete without it. This incredible DVD puts you in the front row at one of my very favorite events: In this presentation, I go further and deeper into many of the key ideas I share in the audio sessions, including an exploration of:. If you've ever attended a really great seminar or speech, you know that nothing quite equals the energy and enthusiasm a live event generates. And we've done a fantastic job here.

Not Another Personal Financial Blog

You'll really feel as if you're there. And seeing these profound ideas presented will make them come alive for you on yet another level of awareness, further strengthening your powers of attraction. YES , I want to use the Law of Attraction to bring money into my life easily and automatically , starting right now.

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Click Here to buy with confidence from Amazon! If Joe's secrets haven't made me wealthier, freer, and happier in 30 days, I will simply send it back. I've shared a little of my personal story with you in this letter.


Then I borrowed it from the library. The majority of start ups fail. Three ways you can stop poverty. I want you to experience what I did with this system: I honestly felt this book was a long sales pitch for people to hire personal coaches. Pay off debt diligently. If it is possible could you dirct me to a great website for kids to learn and undersatnd the Jewish rules and principles?

In this one-on-one interview, I tell all. It's a story more than worth hearing. And because it illustrates so profoundly the transformational power of these principles. From homeless to millionaire. If that was possible for me, then just imagine what's possible for you! True prosperity is an incredible gift. It's a gift YOU deserve. I don't want fear, skepticism, or your current financial constraints to stand in the way of your receiving this gift. So here's my proposition: Order The Secret to Attracting Money right now. Internalize the principles, study the strategies, and put them into practice.

If you follow the steps I lay out precisely, you won't have to wait long before cash and opportunities start showing up for you. Your life is going to start changing immediately, in very obvious and tangible ways. But I don't want you to experience mere change. I want you to experience what I did with this system: At the start of this letter, I said that the time has never been better for you to become wealthy. Most people never even know they have the innate ability to attract wealth.

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YOU not only know about it Don't let that awareness go to waste. Order The Secret to Attracting Money today. If you decide at any time within the next 30 days that your CD or DVD program is not for you, simply return your selection s for an exchange or a refund of the product price.

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Dear Friend, Over the last thirty years, I figured out how to focus the awesome power of the Law of Attraction on the specific goal of bringing wealth and financial opportunity into my life. Since then, I've enjoyed success and a life filled with luxury that few people can imagine. And so have countless others who've used my proven moneymaking methods.

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The only question is, are YOU ready to hear them? If you've got money or lack of it on your mind right now, then I've got good news. You read that right GREAT news, in fact. I'm not asking you not to believe them I'm talking about the foundation of income. The place where it all comes from. And how YOU can gain access to that place. And, not surprisingly, the one I hear more than any other is: What made that transformation possible was indeed The Law of Attraction.

But it was also something more Woman's guide to a money making attitude. Go to Sharon's Amazon. You'll want to subscribe to Sharon's Newsletter: Unlimited Success For Women.

Could they get even better?

Read Sharon's blog - http: The episode audio is being processed and will be ready shortly. When we're cheap about spending it or weird about receiving it, we block its natural course, we put ourselves in a place of lack instead of abundance, our energy becomes richus interruptus" In an attempt to protect ourselves from pain, we perpetuate behaviors that create the very pain we are trying to avoid" You are meant to follow your desires. You are meant to blossom into the fullest expression of your unique and fantabulous badassery. You are meant to be rich" Jun 04, Tadas Talaikis rated it did not like it.

Dropped it because of two reasons. First one , can't stand American "ecetera". Can't stand one, but here were hundreds! It falls into category of spelunking fantasies. All those claimants "millionaires", "achievers" made their money by coaching and washing brains, not the real job. That says everything and I apply this rule for decades - if someone earned money not through real job, then he's selling the B.

And, f course, peop Dropped it because of two reasons. And, f course, people just like B. They live shitty lives no, actually,. So, not saying why I know that yep, I've been through everything how and why it works, but I'd rather read something how some shoe doctor done something, than those capitalistic idiocies of how to manipulate people. Some suggestion from someone me , who spent years not in shitty jobs, but "meditating" and thinking on the purpose of life: Jul 23, Mutassem Al Sharji rated it did not like it. The only reason I continued reading this book beyond the 2nd chapter is; I thought there's a breakthrough idea the author will share which have this book such a high review score..

And sadly she didn't! The only reason I continued reading it in the last few chapters was that so I can be fair in my rating for it!

A book full of none sense impractical ideas that's very common in the self-help industry.. Selling fairy tales of pure coincidences as a solution to any problem is utter BS Moreover, the world is lacking genuine, smart, and knowledgeable hard working individuals NOT fake, empty, ignorant yet confident idiots.

Feb 06, Allie Mullin rated it did not like it Shelves: Her tone is cringe-worthy in its attempt to be relatable. I should have stopped reading when she praised Ayn Rand. Definitely not what I was expecting. As opposed to giving concrete steps for improving one's finances in the nature of, say, Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey, Sincero gives self-help advice of the hippie-dippy New Age variety. Mar 20, Laurel rated it did not like it. This is the Joel Osteen Prosperity gospel for entrepreneurs. Believe you are a badass, say a bunch of mantras about money positivity, and manifest how much you want to make.

Believe it will happen, and it will happen. May 21, Marissa Catania Bishop rated it it was amazing. Any book that teaches me something, inspires me and makes me laugh is a winner! Jun 24, Myrna rated it did not like it. Beyond boring and stupid. She says people don't want to get rich because their families will think they are bad. Jun 15, Elissa added it Shelves: I have a lot of thoughts about this. Not all are kind, but not all are mean, either. This book is primarily a cheerleading book telling you to have faith in yourself.

There are a few gems sprinkled about that tell you how to focus on your goals, sharpen your mindset, and to be okay with the discomfort of growth and change. If there is anything to take away from this, it's to believe in yourself. She advocates taking risks, taking on debt, being ruthless and cutting people out of your life if they are slowing you down. Yes, cut out toxic people if they are bad for you and your mental health, but to drop your less-wealthy friends because they're not operating the same "vibe" as you?

I found this ridiculous, because it paints the picture that these kinds of risks are worth it There are no guarantees in life! She shares success stories of people who have made it, but I am almost sure that there are examples of people out there who have done just that, been taken in by a massively overpriced business coach and wiped out their life savings and ruined themselves, and I am equally sure that Jen would say that their failure is because they didn't "believe" enough. Or that this is just a "setback" on the way to future wealth.

Sure, there is taking a risk and being massively uncomfortable with it, vs. Nor is there mention of obstacles built into the infrastructure of our American society that limits opportunities for many people — if she says anything at all it's "don't be a victim!

Do You Want To Be Rich? Think Like A Jew

She gives an example of a kid who was on a sold-out plane with an assignment for a middle seat, adamant that he wanted a window seat instead, and someone switching with him, as a good example. No, that kid sounds like a spoiled brat. He is no one's example. Here, let me summarize it for you: Jul 31, Puffling rated it liked it. I searched online a bit and I think it came from a misreading of a Biblical reference via a life coach. And now other life coaches are repeating it? From the Online Etymology Dictionary: Specifically I've been looking for targeted advice for rooting out my negative ideas around money grew up in poverty, parents functioned like addicts, etc.

This had some exercises in it that were useful for me. But overall if you're going to be annoyed by the rah-rah hire-a-coach start-a-business stuff, this isn't for you. I am somewhat but also love starting businesses, so it had some relevant stuff even if it's not what I'm doing right now. One more note about this spate of suggested finances and self-help books: You can encourage people to do the best with what they have without pretending that everyone is starting from the same point.

What is a success coach? I really did try to get into this book, as I do with all the publications I am asked to review. I just became mildly irritated by it. Unrated from me unfortunately! Jun 06, Valeh rated it did not like it. I'm currently on vacation and loaded my iPad with a few personal finance books to read. FYI, for helpful personal finance refresher, read that and burn this. Jen starts out by telling us that she used to be poor because she subconsciously believed that rich people were evil. She was able to overcome her aversion to earning money and voila!

I personally couldn't read all of this nonsense but of the 11 cha I'm currently on vacation and loaded my iPad with a few personal finance books to read. I personally couldn't read all of this nonsense but of the 11 chapters in this book, the first 10! Jun 10, Julie rated it it was amazing Shelves: I suggested my coworker buy this for the library. Then I borrowed it from the library. Then I read it.

Then I went ahead and bought myself a copy. Yea, it's a little woo-woo, but I think she grounds that a little more than some other people do. If you want to make more money, you do have to get into the right mindset to do so. This book helps you do that. It's the exercises that I didn't do. So now that I have my own copy, I have no excuse not to sit down and really do them.

With paper and a pen a I suggested my coworker buy this for the library. With paper and a pen and everything. So that's something, right? Jun 30, Natz rated it it was ok. I would've enjoyed it much more as a memoir of what worked for her success, throw in the cool inspirational phrases, and leave it at that. May 31, Valerie rated it it was amazing Shelves: In an attempt to protect ourselves from pain, we perpetuate behaviors that create the very pain we are trying to avoid" the audiobook is superb, as usual.

May 24, Ocean Gebhardt rated it it was ok Shelves: Forced slang and curse words, and a bunch of law of attraction advice. But some good advice mixed in with the bad, and a great general attitude. Jul 22, Katie rated it really liked it Shelves: I started off not liking this book very much - I don't believe New-Agey type things like, "The Universe wants you to be rich"! When I took some of her steps to change my mindset to a more positive one, I finally came up with some new ideas to get me out of my current rut.

I feel like this book gave me the kick in the pants that I needed. My only complaints - I hated the slangy talk she fell into I started off not liking this book very much - I don't believe New-Agey type things like, "The Universe wants you to be rich"!

My only complaints - I hated the slangy talk she fell into "rollin' in da cheddah" - it made me cringe! And the constant use of "etcetera", pronounced "ek-cetera". I liked a lot of the informality of her style, but it got over-casual at times. Mar 13, Nancy rated it liked it Shelves: