Breakthrough Rapid Reading

I recently started going through the book again and have once again seen a drastic improvement in both my fiction and nonfiction rates. Co As far as I know, this is the premier text for speed-reading. View all 3 comments. Jan 23, Leon M rated it really liked it Shelves: Ingenious book on speed reading techniques that really guides you through acquiring the skills as if you were in a real course with instructor and everything. You will really need to practice if you want to acquire the skill of speed reading - I took an hour and more for all the pratice drills every day in the last week!

Jul 20, May rated it really liked it Shelves: Not bad for a book about speed reading. I'd choose this over some of the hacks that exist on the topic. I'm currently researching techniques on Speed Reading for an upcoming course I'm going to co-teach and wanted to see what others are doing.

Kump, who is the director of Evelyn Wood provides a solid resource for those that are already reasonably good readers. Myself a speed reader with a max rate of ish wpm, I can attest that the techniques used are accurate. That said, I would say Summary: That said, I would say that he's kept it simple on purpose.

It's a great entry, but if you struggle with reading, you may find his way of describing it unapproachable. I like the ranges, but I'm not a huge fan of his wording on what people Need to improve on. I think there is a better way to describe or in some cases, I don't agree with what precisely one has to do. Pg 23 - I don't agree you should always use your hand. This is a good technique to learn, but over time, it's unnecessary.

Instead, I think you start this way as a reminder of what you're trying to train yourself to do. They are different things. Most books on speed reading have a HUGE memory section. When you see this, it typically means that the writer isn't a speed reader and doesn't know what they are talking about. Kump doesn't do this, so for that reason alone, I gave him 4 stars.

If you spend any money on such books, go ahead and write that money off. You're getting info second hand and often incorrectly described. Memorization is something else. If you try to practice both skills at the same time, you will set yourself up for failure unless you happen to already be particularly good at one or the other.

Pg 61 - This is important. But I think there are better ways to describe why writing format is so important. Pg - I like that he presents the other techniques skimming and scanning. I still believe strongly that these two techniques are less about techniques and more that they are precursors to speed reading. This is how I will present it and I'm pretty sure I'm right, but I think this one is hard to prove scientifically given the paradigm that reading teachers live and also uninteresting for many reading teachers vs. May 24, Matheus rated it it was amazing.

This book is basically a self-paced six-week course, which I completed in the last three months and a half. I embraced the book fully, deciding to always follow its instructions and do all exercises to the best of my ability.

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A Yes and no. Reading is actually a far m Ok.

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Reading is actually a far more complicated skill than most people believe. What do you consider reading? Speaking every word to yourself? Understanding all of the ideas of the book? Well, depending on your definition, the answer to this question will vary greatly. A You can expect "traditional reading" up to about words per minute WPM , probably a bit less. This involves linear hand and eye movements hand movements are a crucial component of speed reading , going from one word to the next and next, then the next line and the one after that.

Beyond that, you will probably have to use non-linear reading hand movements: These types of hand movements focus a lot more on grasping the concepts behind a text rather than actually "reading" word-by-word. These hand movements don't have an upper limit, and could theoretically be used for speeds of WPM or more assuming you could handle such rates. Speed reading would ruin it for me, wouldn't it? A Hey, just because you know speed reading doesn't mean you have to use it for every single text you ever encounter. You can always adjust your rate to your reading purpose.

I wouldn't speed read a lot of literary texts. However, we spend so much time reading, from emails to studying, that speed reading is too valuable of a skill to ignore completely. Personally, a lot of my reading is non-fiction, and don't tend to read such books for the authors' literary prowess.

You can progress at your own pace and determine how much you actually want to practice or read I recommend the chapters in the last two weeks, especially for students. This book really has changed my life. In a heavy day of leisurely reading, I could expect to read about pages of an average book prior to taking this course, now I could easily read a book or two a day. But do keep in mind that this is not an "easy" course.

I spent a total of about 70 hours doing speed reading exercises over the last four months. This is a hands on book, and it will require practice for you to increase your own speeds.

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I recommend this book to everyone who, well, reads. Its uses are so diverse and effective that I feel this review and a mere 5 stars will never do it justice. Oct 06, Tony rated it really liked it. This book was an interesting read for so many reasons. The biggest because it will challenge the way you read.

Instead of stressing complete comprehension, it stresses quick reading thru of material while active organizing how the material is arranged and structured. So it's as much a course about understanding the process of reading as speed reading. By the end of the book I have found that my reading rate has doubled, and my comprehension has increased. It's almost one of those situations in w This book was an interesting read for so many reasons.

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If you are a student or need to read for your job, the techniques around selective reading and recall will help you to hit much, much higher rates while getting everything you need out of a book or art This book actually works, if you put in the effort to practice daily. Aug 25, Zanny rated it really liked it Recommends it for: The book, and the method, is predicated on the idea that we don't have to read everything at the same level of depth. He explains common ideological backlog with his personal experience rather than giving just fundae. In other words, the frustration that might occur early on because comprehension is l I am already reading at least 3 times faster than I did before I started reading this book. I could have read three times as many books over those years, and it would have been an enormous help in grad school.

It's almost one of those situations in which seeing is believing. You start out skeptically trying what the author is instructing you to do, and after a few weeks you find that your reading has dramatically improved.

Breakthrough Rapid Reading

With all that being said, I wouldn't say I agree with everything the author argues. For example, he recommends speed reading fiction by going thru the book quickly first looking for main characters involvment and general plot lines. I disagree with this because to me the main reason for a fiction book is enjoyment and getting lost in the story. I do see many applications for speed reading techniques in school, work, non-fiction books, and the like.

I highly recommend that everyone try a system like this out because of the dramatic difference it will make in your ability to get thru the reading material you long to go thru. View all 5 comments. Jan 03, Azri Alipah rated it it was ok Shelves: The beauty of this book is it contains specific exercises and drills where readers can practice each new technique.

However, its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. Imagine being forced to attend ballet classes , and you have such a hard time going through the drills and techniques you start hating ball Rating: Imagine being forced to attend ballet classes , and you have such a hard time going through the drills and techniques you start hating ballet. This is what the tone of the book felt like: Don't get me wrong: If you're the type of person who reads so that you can enjoy a good story, this book definitely is NOT for you.

Feb 04, Talia Colley rated it really liked it Shelves: Looking forward to seeing if the tips and drills in this book help me to reach my goal of reading a book a day! Lots of study tips as well for note-taking and retaining info.

Breakthrough Rapid Reading

Jan 10, Vivian rated it really liked it. I read 3 books to learn to speed read and this was my favorite of the three. It was a really good resource. This is a long term book. My library copy is going back and I'm going to buy my own copy and have it on hand to teach my kids when they are ready. I need to do the drills and get my speed up. It was really good. Jun 07, Khuyen rated it liked it. Practiced this during holiday of my junior year of my high school. Now my finger keeps moving in the zigzag fashion on the page: D It's a good training program Having said that, speed reading is good when it is just to scan for its ideas.

Deeply reading any book requires a lot more interaction and hence time. Apr 21, Chika rated it really liked it Shelves: This book is not just about reading fast moving eyes quickly, etc. So I think it's good. But to become a fast reader, you have to practice, practice and practice Nov 13, Derek rated it really liked it. Excellent techniques for practicing reading faster while keeping or improving your comprehension and retention. Also covers what to focus on when you're reading - what is it your trying to get out of the material you are reading.

The purpose changes how you read. Mar 21, George Simons rated it it was amazing. Highly recommended, above almost everything else. Lets not call it "speed reading" lets call it "reading and learning exceptionally". Nov 06, Allan Fisher rated it really liked it. Aug 24, Jason Wang rated it it was amazing. Super valuable lesosns and important to understand techniques, well written and explained and the practice exercises, though I didn't do them, were really well designed. Great teacher, I used the techniques in the book to finish the book, really changed my life even because now I am imagining a future where i read a book a day, or atleast a few books a week.

Of course, my definition of reading is now different. Instead of hearing yoru voice in yoru head and going slowly and trying to remember and Super valuable lesosns and important to understand techniques, well written and explained and the practice exercises, though I didn't do them, were really well designed. Instead of hearing yoru voice in yoru head and going slowly and trying to remember and read eveyrhting, now reading to me is just setting a purpose, reading through a text many times and recalling afterwards while writing out what you read and understand.

In the same time, you it is more efficient for recall to read the book fast several times again, even faster than you can htink. Reading is about not being sure if you read it all, atleast at first I think.

Breakthrough Rapid Reading -Watch This

But you rememebr more than you think, and you don't really remember even with the old slow method anyway. Revolultionary, and it could change your life or view on it too. May 07, Aviya Carmen rated it it was amazing. This is one of the best book purchases of my life. I read and did the exercises from this book a few years ago and my reading speed more than doubled.

It literally changed my life! As of this week, I will be going through this book again and further improve my reading speed! Thank you Peter Kump! For sharing the secrets of rapid reading and changing my life forever. There are no words to express what this book has done for me. I would highly recommend it to everyone who's looking to become more pr This is one of the best book purchases of my life. I would highly recommend it to everyone who's looking to become more productive.

Mar 31, Apoorva Kumar rated it it was amazing. Peter Buzan book is nothing wrt this book. This book is Dale carnegie's book on How to win friends and influence people. It then flashes words in a similar format and you can control the speed, length, etc. There are so many good books out there to read.

And so little time to read them. You feel like you want to read them all at once, just so you know what everyone was talking about. To be able to read all the books you ever wanted to, all at once. There are ways to do this. Obviously not read all the books you want to in one go — but similar. Rapid reading has been around for some years now, and many famous people use the system to increase their knowledge, and indeed many achieve their fame because of it.

Speed-reading is now big business, and people who want to get ahead in life are adopting the technique to further their careers, as well as enjoy the sense of power, and freedom that reading faster provides. Personal development is all about improving ourselves, and making the most of potential. Having the ability to speed-read is one example of making more of our brainpower. Speed-reading classes have been around since the late 50s when schoolteacher Mrs Evelyn Wood pioneered her now world-renowned techniques. Workshops, seminars, and self-help books soon followed, and now there are many computer software packages available too as home-study by PC takes root across the globe.

It is claimed that the book has helped thousands of people to read up to eight times faster, allied to improved concentration, and retention of information. However, learning to read faster via books, and classes, can be a slow process compared to the burgeoning capability of computer software. The advantage of software products such as 7 Speed Reading — the very latest on the market — is that they can combine tutorials using video clips, as well as other interactive tools, and standard exercises, all tailored to the students specific requirements, and needs.

And thanks to the speed of the Internet, students receive up-to-the minute monitoring of their progress. With just seven minutes study a day, students can be up and reading faster within a week if they so desired. It is hard sometimes to get oneself motivated if studying alone, but with the 7 Speed Reading video tutors online to spur you on, students get that interaction, and extra push that good mentoring provides. It is all down to the individual at the end of the day — it just depends how badly you want to succeed. Your email address will not be published.

Breakthrough Rapid Reading 24 Dec Leave A Comment Cancel Reply.