The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions

Then she considers the stories of "The Fathers, " from Abraham and Isaac to Moses, David, and Solomon - and their wives, mothers, and sisters. In "The Return of the Mothers, " she begins with a radical new interpretation of the book of Esther, includes a meditation on the silenced wife of Job and the idea of justice, and concludes with a fable on the death of God and a prayer to the Shekhinah, the feminine aspect of God.

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Ostriker refuses to dismiss the Bible as meaningless to women. Instead, in this angry, eloquent, visionary book, she attempts to recover what is genuinely sacred in these sacred texts.

The Nakedness of the Fathers Biblical Visions and Revisions

The Bosom of Abraham. The Opinion of Hagar. The Songs of Miriam.

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The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions [Alicia Suskin Ostriker] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Like much. The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions: Alicia Suskin Ostriker.

A Midrash on Sinai. Judges or Disasters of War. The Redeeming of Ruth. Hannah or Sons and Lovers.

The Wisdom of Solomon. Esther or the World Turned Upside Down. The Opinion of the Ram.

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Job or a Meditation on Justice. A meditation on the key narratives of the Hebrew Bible, this book includes characters of the Old Testament, and is viewed by the author from a feminist perspective.

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