1 to 100 Numbers in Spanish

Spanish Numbers: How to Count from 1 – 1,000+ in Spanish

Take another look and try to spot the patterns. I recommend you follow these steps to get all the numbers into your head:. When you think about it, those two phrases mean the same thing; the only difference is in emphasis. However, it's important to note that the word uno changes to match the gender of the noun it describes.

Before a feminine noun, it becomes una. Before a masculine noun, you drop the o and just use un. The number can be translated into Spanish as either cien or ciento.

Spanish Numbers 1-100 Quiz

Note that you don't need to add y after ciento — it's ciento uno , not ciento y uno. For numbers from to , you must first learn the multiples of These are simple enough — just note that quinientos , setecientos and novecientos are slightly irregular. To fill in the gaps, e. In English, it's conventional to break up big numbers with a comma every three digits to aid readability.

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In Spanish-speaking countries — as in many other parts of the world — these conventions are reversed. They use a comma for decimals, and break up large numbers with dots — or alternatively, they put a space between every three digits. For the sake of consistency, I'm going to stick with the English-like conventions for the rest of this article.

But make sure to do things the other way around when writing Spanish.

Spanish Numbers 1-100

Sadly, things aren't that simple. Not everyone does it like this! Rather than multiplying by a thousand each time, you multiply by a million. This is no longer true — all dialects of English now use the short-scale system. I often notice Spanish people getting this wrong when they speak English. Try not to make the opposite mistake when you speak Spanish.

Here are the first ten:. Ordinal numbers are adjectives that must agree with the noun — although, unlike most Spanish adjectives, they go before the noun, not after:. Just remember that both parts of the number must agree with the noun: They tend to be reserved for formal writing.

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Where do Spanish numbers come from, anyway? Compare modern Spanish numbers to ancient Latin — and to other modern Romance languages — and you can easily see the links:.

Spanish Numbers Vocabulary words

But we can go further back than that! The Romance languages are a sub-family of Indo-European languages — the family that also includes English. The common ancestor of all Indo-European languages was proto-Indo-European. That name is a modern invention — we don't know what its own speakers called it. In fact, we know very little with certainty about proto-Indo-European. There are no written records of it; the best we can do is guess what it sounded like by comparing its modern descendants.

Here's one linguist's guess as to what the numbers sounded like in proto-Indo-European. Can you see the similarities with both ancient Latin and modern English? Some are more obvious than others. Numbers ending in uno veintiuno, treinta y uno , etc. Cien changes to ciento in numbers above and changes according to the gender of the noun.

Numbers in Spanish

Required Assignments for Spanish As a Child in Spanish. You can test out of the first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Today is May 19th. Pay special attention to the spelling changes starting in the teens and through the 20s. Just remember that both parts of the number must agree with the noun: Students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.

Log in Sign up. Numeral Spanish Numeral Spanish 0 cero. Numeral Spanish 21 veintiuno. Numeral Spanish 31 treinta y uno. Es la una de la tarde. Hoy es el diecinueve de mayo. Llegaron ciento y diez personas. Hay doscientas casas en este barrio. Numbers in Spanish Take a practice quiz on "Numbers in Spanish". Inaccurate Unclear Missing translations Missing conjugations Other.

Spanish Numbers 0-99

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Count to 100

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