Way Out There: Lyrical Essays

Way Out There

This is against the backdrop of Vietnam and racism. We breathed a sigh of relief with his commentary on poetry styles and the pitfalls of parrot-like imitation. Early on Michael Daley assumed the role of the poet as witness and active participant in the antiwar movement, the rights of the indigenous people and the environment. His active participation in civil disobedience to the wars in Vietnam and Iraq and the presence of Trident subs in our backyard makes our hapless attempts at protest seem even more poignant.

He didn't say much about it, but kept some newspaper clippings, medals, and other records, from which I was able to piece together those poems and three essays: His essays are balanced by an appreciation of honest physical labor and the ability to express joy in ordinary things. Some of these essays show an unusual sensitivity and interest, not only in nature, but also in the cultures of indigenous people. His meditations on the indigenous peoples and their cultures are interwoven in the narrative of his own personal journey.

Meandering through history, culture and geology, he immerses himself in his surroundings, all the while gathering together the images that fortify his vision of the world and his quest for roots. That knowledge then resonates with his own relationships with nature and demonstrates that our political involvement becomes necessary and our responsibility.

In the s Michael Daley plunged into publishing a poetry magazine.

  1. Editorial Reviews.
  2. Kundrecensioner.
  3. The Lit Pub • Manipulations of the World: On The Lyric Essay.
  4. Way Out There: Lyrical Essays by Michael Daley - Paperback - from Cloud 9 Books and bahana-line.com.

Empty Bowl Press would focus on regional, native and historic themes of the Northwest, or the Pacific Rim, as stated by Daley. This is fascinating reading. His ruminations on education, the degradation of nature and his mental debate with Barry Lopez on the subject of road-kill are startling in their breadth. The best explanation of what Daley does in this collection of essays is on page And again on page We tend to surround ourselves with what is familiar. Daley embraces the totality of experience and rhythms where everything is present: Those elements provide a continuity to life and the possibility that the contemplation of those bonds is a sense of happiness, i.

This kind of lyricism keeps him and us from sinking into despair. And maybe that is what life is about: The areas of darkness that span the period between birth and death can be brightened by the small pleasures and kindnesses we identify with and that remind us of our humanity. We rejoice that Daley is a part of our world and the power of his writing will have a lasting effect on humanity. You will want to read this book more than once. I rate it on par with Pablo Neruda and Carl Sandburg, two of my favorite poets. Glenn Evans Bloomington IN: Mark Twain, Joyce Cary and Kingsley Amis wrote novels full of comic goodwill and characters who wrestle with their own individual morals amid those of society.

Jim Bradley, the protagonist of Broker Jim, navigates with his own moral compass the world of women, money and the stock market. The combination of dead-serious innocence and eccentric humor in the author's unique voice makes this novel a hilarious romp that is unforgettable. Kingsley Amis once said that the "mode of speech" is the writer's most powerful card for drawing strong characters in a novel. That being said, Evans's good ear for dialogue and his ability to create memorable characters owe much to his writing of poetry.

Evans tells the story of Broker Jim against the backdrop of America as a nation in transition—from the sexual mores of post-World War II America to the greed of the s. Evans's narrative brims with the authenticity that comes from more than twenty years as a stockbroker and investment banker. He writes the story in the first person so we share Jim's interior world in which an earnest young man struggles to make it in the world of buying and selling dreams.

Jim makes some dumb decisions, but you root for him anyway. In and out of one crisis after another, he still lands on his feet. Although he doesn't have a golden parachute to weather the storms, he does have the ubiquitous Seattle umbrella to get him through the rainy days. Unlike those guys at Enron or Worldcom with their golden parachutes, Broker Jim has only an umbrella.

This lusty, but very innocent, ambitious young man tries to make it on the square. Faced with temptations and setbacks that would shatter most people with his jaw-breaker encounters with life; Broker Jim may not be perfect, but you are right there with him through all the stumbles and temptations of both sex and money. You share the ride with Broker Jim as he slugs his way through a corrupt world.

A good read from start to finish.

From his roots in the Oklahoma Dust Bowl to his ascension in a large brokerage house, Jim Bradley is an unlikely hero. With his own moral compass, Jim tries to navigate his personal odyssey through a variety of temptations, including women, money, and fortune. A funny, sexy narrative about a stockbroker, this is a story that flows from beginning to end. Rich in humor, colorful dialogue and an unforgettable group of characters, it brims with authenticity.

Manipulations of the World: On The Lyric Essay

Way Out There: Lyrical Essays [Michael Daley] on bahana-line.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Cultural Writing. Essays. These entertaining and insightful. Editorial Reviews. Review. One of the most satisfying reads I've had in a very long time. This giant of a man has been well hidden by a modest demeanor in daily.

Antonio Hopson spins gentle legends and quiet love stories. From biker goddesses to mythical tricksters, from feuding winds to debauched taverns, the subjects of "The Vernal Equinox of Death and Kisses and Other Short Stories" reveal the author's romantic enchantment with the world around him, even when it's at its grittiest. His affecting style comes on slowly and dances beneath the surface, evoking abstract emotions that stretch beyond the short boundaries of his flash-fiction.

Layered and dense, his writing belongs to the prose genre but employs the artistic precision of poetry. All five senses thrive when reading his prose, which moves through you like the Snoqualmie River itself.

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We are drowning in a sea of verbal and written muck, but Bob Gebelein has thrown us a lifesaver to sort through the waves of misinformation thrown at us from all directions. Bob Gebelein explores the mental feedstock that we are raised on from our parents who probably got it from their parents. He discloses how those occupying positions in the prestigious establishments often assume a particular position and others will fall in line, giving the matter little further thought.

So Carl Jung is here bundled in with people who reject reason and the evidence of the senses, and spend most of their time meditating. Concepts, not yet disproved, such as PSI paranormal perceptions commonly referred to as ESP and reincarnation are explored. It is a fresh look at that material and will help in the extraction of the true grains of wisdom and knowledge in the windstorm of chaff that blinds us. I think all scientists should be on the lookout to see if they are using these methods.

Way Out There: Lyrical Essays - E-bok - Michael Daley () | Bokus

It is interesting to note that some of those same physical scientists who insist on such strict adherence to the proven methods of physical science use these unscientific methods to argue their position. Obviously labeling is inaccurate, and usually derogatory. A true scholar would investigate further, to see if the label were accurate. Another unscientific method is argument-by-ridicule. There was no discussion of evidence or documented facts or scientific studies that made Edgar Cayce so funny.

He was just an object of ridicule within the scientific community. He could not be explained within their belief structure, and therefore their psychology had to get rid of him, and this was the method that had been socially agreed upon. Ridicule is a way that human beings have of pecking those of lower status to keep them in their place, putting them down and keeping them down. It has nothing to do with science or accuracy. Gebelein is not the usual suited Harvard graduate turned loose on the world. He relates a story about his experience when he attempted to join the Navy in When I arrived at the [recruiting] office, there were three Naval officers just sitting around.

You got the highest score we have ever seen on the Mental Test. This was all I needed to convince me that I was the person to be designing a new civilization. You may not agree with everything Gebelein writes, but you will be a wiser person after having been introduced to the topics of discussion that he covers. Mostly about Mind Pollution is available through your local bookstore or can be ordered from Amazon.

Evans is a unique memoir on the most important Filipino American artist of the Northwest, Val Laigo A study of the artist, his works and the Filipino family and culture that produced him, it captures the spirit and personality of an extraordinary human being whose drive to live was such a powerful force in the creation of his art. Born with two holes in his heart, Val Laigo was not expected to live.

Instead, he defied all predictions of his early death and lived each day as if it were his last. Val Laigo taught art for many years at Seattle University. Born of immigrant parents, his father was murdered when he was six years old. The Pants Of Perspective: One Woman's 3, kilometre running adventure through the Looking for ultramarathon motivation? Outdoor Book of the Year Shortlist. Contains three hiking memoirs. Read free in Kindle Unlimited. More Ketchup than Salsa Boxset. A hilarious memoir about seeking a better life overseas.

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