Chrysalis: Stories of Transformation

The Butterfly Principle: Transformation and Growth Through Failure

Eight months down the line, I quit my job over the lack of work ethics. That was the end of a long cherished dream.

Chrysalis - Personal Transformation from the Inside Out

I knew I had broken their dreams in the process, too, but I had to stand up for what I believed in. The weight of their expectations—and my own—was too much to carry. I had barely started my career when it ended. Or so I thought at the time. And yet, in those eight months, I learned everything I possibly could about the field I had chosen because I was passionate about it and the learning continues.

All was not lost. I could still try for another job or back up and try something else. I always had a flair for writing and editing. I loved the English language and all the nuances associated with it, so I was entrusted two manuscripts for editing that I'd religiously try to complete in my free time. In the time after I quit my job, I took my editing work on the manuscripts a lot more seriously. And quite suddenly I had a realization about what I was supposed to do—I felt liberated me from all the anxiety and stress I was feeling regarding my future career plans.

I quickly drew up a plan of the options I could explore. Self-employment was beginning to look like an attractive option, and I was excited by the possibility of making the best use of my creativity, talents, and varied interests. If you stay true to your conscience and live your life the way you believe it should be, you can be rest assured of this:.

Hold onto what you believe in. Always remember that, with a smile, and give yourself a chance to delight and revel in the mysterious workings of the universe. Photo by Tiago J. Andrea Johnson is an inspiration evangelist, freelance editor, social media consultant, artist and philanthropist. She founded Creative Elixir to share her passions for social media, arts, photography, non-profit strategies, motivational writing, and social good and to help individuals and organizations explore their potential in a fun, creative way. Connect with Andrea on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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Though I run this site, it is not mine. I am a professionally trained life coach and am in the business of transformation. After days of nothing happening, on a Saturday afternoon, I happened to glance into the butterfly house. For in order for life to change, we need to change ourselves. It is and remains a beautiful image:

This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. Before using the site, please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. That chrysalis moment told me: Your soul is in transition.

This time requires quiet and stillness. This is going to look like inaction to the rest of the world. This time between the dying and the rising, the shedding and the new creation, is sometimes referred to as liminal space. Old ways and old identities no longer work and new ways and new identities have not yet formed. Nothing good or creative emerges from business as usual.

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Much of the work of the God of the Bible is to get people into liminal space, and to keep them there long enough so they can learn something essential. It is the ultimate teachable space, maybe the only one.

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At some point, we are all invited to that process of shedding and then shedding some more. We come to a point where we are undone, stripped bare, and invited to discover who we are in the quiet places in our soul. We all have a choice when we find ourselves in the middle of that invitation to transformation. It helps to recognize the invitation.

It helps to know that we are not completely lost or back-sliding. We are at a threshold where something deep and true and real waits for us if we are willing to let go and be still and wait. After my shedding, I was conscious only of having a choice.

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I could choose to embrace this time of not-knowing and of learning a whole new way of being. Or I could plow ahead and forge my own path, make my own plans, and see how that turned out. I had tried that before. I prepared to settle into the depths of my waiting. The waiting was and is both hard and rich. Now, four years later, a path appears to be emerging one step at a time.