Consultant - Un métier de Ouf ! (French Edition)

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Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. So all you need to do now is to provide us with your account details to enable us wire your winnings to you without any delay. Voici la teneur du message pour info: Ce tirage Electronique est base sur e-mail et donne ainsi une chance a tous les internautes du monde entier c'est a dire toutes les personnes ayant une adresse Email sur Internet, de pouvoir gagner un Lot.

British Columbia Vancouver, B. Your e-mail address attached to e-ticket number: This lucky draw came first in the 2ND Category of the Sweepstake. You must adhere to this instruction, strictly, to avoid any delay with the release of your funds to your person.


This program has been abused severally in past, so we are doing our best to forestall further occurrence of false claims. This sweepstake was conducted under the watchful eyes of spectators. Your e-mail address was selected and came out first by a e-ballot draw from over , e-mail addresses personal and corporate e-mail addresses. Congratulations for becoming one of the few lucky winners. With your permission, your e-mail will also be included in the next sweepstake of 2Million. In order to avoid unnecessary delays with your claim. Here is the contact information: Mr Lewis Anderson Tel: Je viens de recevoir deux mails douteux.

This results is now released to you on 31st January, and your email address attached to ticket number: Be advice to keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. For the release of your winning, kindly contact your claims supervisory officer at the British Lottery Head Quarters, Payment Release Order Department. Tue, 23 Jan Mail gives members random cash prizes.

YAHOO, collects all the mail id of the people that are online on yahoo, among the millions that subscribe to yahoo we only select five people every month as our winners through electronic balloting System without the winner applying, we are congratulating you for been one of the people selected. All participants were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada , Australia , United States , Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.

This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the communities where they have operational base. A quand l'arrestation des cyber criminels?

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Je n'avais jamais entendu parler d'un tel tirage. En vue de solliciter le prix, je peux contacter la personne suivante: Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de cette compagnie. Ils connaissent donc maintenant mon adresse e mail personnelle. Demande d'aide et de partenariat.. Sachez que je detiens tous documents relatifs prouvant les fonds en banque en mon nom comme etant seule beneficiaire.

Your phone and fax number: K Dear Winner, Welcome to the Freelotto claims and verification department. The email you received is a winning notification of the recent email lottery draws that was held in U. On release of the results your email address was selected as a winner of our superbucks stakes and your application for claim of lottery winning prize is under process and full settlement will be made upon certification of your details.

Be informed that we are in possession of your prize-winner certificate which will be sent to the financial institution to effect your payment when you have completed the form below and return it to us within 48 hrs of this email. Hence, carefully fill in the appropriate information in the spaces provided in the Claim Form to facilitate our immediate processing of your prize claim.

Your funds have since been deposited with a Finance Company in The United Kingdom for settlement of your winning. Please, you are advised to send along the filled form, a copy of your personal Identification preferably the photo page of your international passport or license for proper identification and it will also be included in our next winners album. J'ai eu un doute un instant, un espoire Car quels recours aurai-je? Mais cette argent pouvais etre un immense espoire dans ma vie! Merci pour vos mots et ce site!

Soyons solidaire face aux arnacs et a ces gens horribles! Mon ami a recu une lettre a son nom de la loterie '' El Gordo de la loteria primrtiva'' Spaninich sweepstake qui dit je cite: Dernier avis de recompense. Qui a eu lieu le mais a cause d'une confusion de numeros le tirage au sort a ete rendu puplique le Et qu'il serait laureat de la somme de Et qu ele prix doit etre reclame avant le J'aimerais y croire mais la somme est trop importante et J'ai fais des recherche d'adresse qui son apparement fause et en cherchant je suis tomber sur ce cite.

Ce tirage Electronique est Et ensuite se fait un tirage et votre mail faisait parti des mails retenus comme gagnants. Pour cela je vous demande de nous faire confiance car nous aussi ainsi que d'autres sites Faisons tout pour lutter contre ces fraudes qui salissent le nom et la personne. Tien tien en voila un autre escro C'est d'un prix total d'argent comptant de 1. Cette promotion a lieu tous les cinq mois.

A mon avis, c'est du mensonge. La valeur du gain est de Vous faite partie des heureux gagnants dont le gain est de Il m a dit que j avais gagnier ponds et que je dois payer les frais de transfert. OUF j'ai eu chaud, je viens de recevoir un mail comme vous de la part de yahoo et windows disant que je venais de gagner livre par le biais d'un tirage internet. Mais ces mecs sont des fous, en ous cas ils ont de l'imagination. SVP si personne s'est quelque chose surtou le nom de cette femme ma disais.

Je publie ce post pour que les recherches sur internet sur cette soi-disante compagnie tombe tout de suite sur votre site. A votre avis sa cache un heureux evenement ou une de ces arnaques??? Je crois que je vais redescendre sur terre!!!

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You are to provide the following information to facilitate your claim: Your prefered mode of payment. The requested information about you will enable us verify and refer you to our affiliate courier company , so that your winning Certificate and Cheques can be sent to you. On receipt of your duly completed Prize Award Verification Form, I'll then email you the contact details of our affiliate courier company, so that your winning Certificate and Cheques can be sent to you by postal mail.

I strongly advise you adhere and comply to the instructions above in order to avoid disqualification of your claim. Note that it is against the policies of this program for any staff of this program to involve in any matter relating to our client's claim. So you are advised not to suggest any kind of involvement to any of our staffs that may attract dis-qualification of our prize claim. Yours faithfully, Simon Lee. Je voudrai qu'il y'ait des actions vigoureuses pour tracquer et et punir ces arnaqueurs.

On devrait interdire le mensonge, c'est trop dangereux Analyse antivirus Claims Form. Sylvain We acknowledge the receipt of your mail. We have confirmed the above winning. The said sum is now deposited in our suspense account in your favor waiting for the immediate remittance to you. Be informed that your winning prize has a hardcover insurance policy that makes it impossible to make any deduction of any kind, until the sum is finally credited into your designated account.

A copy of the IGPB will be forwarded to our paying bank for immediate action. Following the above, you are expected to fill the attached form and return back to this office along with a copy of your international passport or driver's license via email attachment or by fax for vetting process which is a standard practice just to ensure that we are dealing with the right individual. This process is vital and urgent following the instruction from our clients that all prize money should be claimed on or before the DEADLINE on your notice.

Please notify us when you send an email OR fax to confirm if we recieved it or not. Once again accept our congratulations and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Moi aussi ,j'ai recu aujourd'hui ,le 3 decembre , une"winning notification"ou ils m'annoncent que j'ai gagne euro. Ils me demande mon compte bancaire ,tel. Bonjour tout le monde. Il y a autre chose. J'en recois souvent de ces propositions. Merci pour votre site et vos informations ca me rend plus prudent.

Par van steen m. Esperons que ces individues seront punis. B with! Serial number drew the winning: Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our lottery booklet representative office in South Africa as indicate in the play coupon. All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draw system and extracted from over , companies and individual emails address.

The lottery program took place to promote South Africa world Cup Award. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize, This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted Abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.

J'ai recu une proposition a pounds avec les mots suivants: Please note that, your lucky winning etc. J'habite Moscou qui est evidemment la plus riche capital d'Europe. Malgre que je ne suis pas aussi riche que ma ville natale, je n'aime pas avoir l'argent que je n'ai pas gagne avec mon travail, avec mes mains et avec mes cerveilles. A cet effet ,nous procedons chaque semaine a un tirage parmi des milliers de mails et c'est ainsi que votre mail a ete retenu comme le gagnant de la somme de euros.

Je veux savoir le vrai de ce lui qui est faut est comment je pourrait m'intervenir. Visitez un site magnifique qui s'appelle hoaxbuster. Ne vous laissez pas faire avoir! Comme je ne vois rien sur eux ici,je me pose des questions. Wed, 25 Oct This result is now made available to you and your email address attached in the Category A bonus ball 02, 03, 21, 24, 38, 44, and bonus ball Participants were selected through a computerized ballot system drawn from company and individual email addresses users. We advice that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money released to you.

For the release of your winnings, kindly contact your claims agent with the following details to expedite the processing of your prize winning. Full name and address. Country of Residence 3. Tel and fax number. To begin your claim, please contact our Claim Manager at the Claim Department immediately with the following email address; michealdouglauk0 yahoo. After this date all prize winning will treated as Unclaimed Note in order to avoid unnecessary dela.

Merci pour vos messages informatifs.

Nos consultants - Grant Alexander

Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your Money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.

This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. To file for your claim, please contact your assigned agent; Agent: Je n'ai pas repondu a leur mail. We are happy to inform you that you have emerged a winner under the First Category, which is part of our promotional draws. The draws are being officially announced today 15th of October Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,, e-mails addresses of individuals and companies from Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania as part of our International Promotions Program.

Your fund is currently now deposited with the paying Bank. In your best interest to avoid mix up of numbers and names of any kind, we request that you keep the entire details of your award strictly from public notice till the process of transferring your claims has been completed, and your funds remitted to you.


For easy reference and identification, do remember to quote these numbers in your correspondence with your paying bank: To claim your f. Winner, We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer balloting sweepstake held on 21th October This is a millennium scientific computer game in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it.

To claim your winning prize you are to contact the appointed agent as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings: Gorisa Labella, Program Assistant. Pas un mail, mais bien un courrier papier soit-disant de la part de "Euro City Loteria" Espagne. Il ne faut pas beaucoup de temps pour constater qu'il s'agit d'un document sans valeur: C'est du jamais vu!! Je ne l'ai lu que quelques jours plus tard, par hasard.

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Merci pour les informations. All 5 winning addresses were randomly selected from a batch of , international emails. And your email address emerged alongside 4 others as a 2nd category winner in this month's draw.

Les commentaires

Soyez extremement vigilant, c est tellement evident que c est une une arnaque, ne vous laissez pas tenter vous allez y laisser des plumes,moi je suis a montreal et c est la deuxieme annee que je recois cette lettre, j avoue que je suis chanceux, bien sur c est la poubelle qui en a herite encore une fois faites tres attention khalid. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Please try your request again later. Ils me demande mon compte bancaire ,tel. Que faire, parceque cela parait bizare.

Consequently, you have therefore been approved for a total pay out of pound ;, Below are his contact addresses. K You are to provide the assigned cliams agent with the under listed information as soon as possible for the processing and delivery of your cheque via courier service to your stipulated address, so do make sure your address is spelt out accurately.

Be further advised to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality until the end of proceedings to circumvent problems associated with fraudulent claims. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming. Concernant les mails de la "Bill Gates Foundation", je trouve honteux que des escrocs puissent utiliser un tel nom pour voler des gens. Mais c'est bien connu, les escrocs n'ont pas de conscience!!!

Par l'entremise de Euro Bank To file for your claim, please contact Tony James Email: Donc cela ne me concernait pas. Ou encore une chose encore plus efficace ne repondez jamais a ce genre de mail. Si vous ne jouez jamais comment pouvez vous gagner! Sun, 15 Oct The internet emailing diea was used, since most people do are not able to purchase tickets and play outside the UK.

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We hope with part of your prize awards, you will take part in our subsequent lottery jackpots. The result of our computer draw selected your name and email address attached to e-ticket number: Country Of Origin 3. Date Of Birth 4. Contact Telephone And Fax Number 5. Merci de me contacter par e-mail tahsant yahoo. The Accounts department is now processing your account Opening: You are hereby required to make an initial deposit based on the type of account you wish to hold with the paying bank, the category of account and the initial deposit available in the paying bank are stated below: Regular Account, the initial deposit is 2, The Maximum transfer possible within a month is , For your account to be activated immediately, you are required to transfer the initial deposit which will be deposited in your account to activate the account before your claims can be transferred out of the suspense account into a normal operative account and you should note that the initial deposit you will use in activating your account will be added to your 1,, Euros and as such, when you want to close the account after you have successfully received your funds in the operative account, you will then be transferring your 1.

That is to say, your funds which you will use in activating the account will not be lost. I hope you understand my explanations clearly. Wed, 11 Oct Please let this my message do not be a surprise to you because i got your information and lay trust in you before i contacted you. This is an abandoned fund that belongs to the one of our bank foreign customers who died along with his completely family on 25th oct, in a plane crash disaster. I was very fortune to came acroos the deceased file when i was arranging the old and abandoned customers files of in other to submit to the bank managements accordingly for documentation purposes.

So the request of you as a foreigner is necessary to apply for the claim and transfer of the fund smoothly into your reliable bank account as the NEXT OF KIN to the deceased. If you are really sure of your integerity, trustworthy and confidentiality,reply wi. Thu, 5 Oct All 6 winning addresses were randomly selected from a batch of 40, international emails.

Your email address emerged alongside 5 others as a 3rd category winner in this month's draw. The following particulars are attached to your lottery payment order: Email ticket number 3. Lottery batch number 4. Your Ref number must be in all your mails with the claims officer.

Ce message n'a pas de drapeau. Tue, 10 Oct By doing this the foundation seek to encourage the use of Internet for academic and business pursuits. Its major aim is to promote music,theater,art,literature, projects in the social and political arena with a focus on health,as well as science,research, and higher education.

We wish to congratulate and inform you on the selection of your email coupon number which was selected among the 45 lucky consolation prize winners. Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been fully processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid multiple claims and unwarranted a. Mail vos anciens mails Ordinateur Portable Top du moment! Version imprimable Ce message n'a pas de drapeau. Fri, 07 Jul Just the Net You Need.

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Interview Benjamin Chaminade, auteur de "Consultant, un métier de ouf"

This book is meant to be more simp. The story takes place in nineteenth-century India, during the Anglo-Sikh War. The survivors of a Sikh tribe that was decimated by the English decide to take revenge by making themselves prisoners, because they carry the germs of a horrible disease, transmitted by a mysterious demonic entity wh.

I was born in Chicago, and grew up in Ohio,. Les Biflides se souviennent, par Guy Boulianne. La bataille des saints, par Guy Boulianne. La jeunesse y laisse sa trace. For some he is real, for others, he is merely a personification of evil.