And those feelings and emotions can be used, just like the cognitive and ontological aspects, as compass points to help you find and discover your own enlightened self. By all means do all of that, but also look for how all of that feels. Look for the actual feeling of enlightenment. Feel your way to enlightenment.
And what feelings are those? And how can we know that I have the correct feeling?
Well, this part is simple, and this part is where the sex comes in. And that is what will bring us directly to sex, specifically the spiritual path known as Tantra, which uses everyday conventional sexuality as a direct path to spirit, a direct path to enlightenment itself.
One of the very most common feelings of sexuality, especially orgasm, is an intense ecstasy or great bliss. So everything you need to know about the ultimate fourth state of consciousness is: Big Bliss is the feeling of the infinite freedom of the pure Witness.
To put it simply, bliss is the feeling of the freedom of the Witness. And you can use sexuality as a direct pointing-out for just this eternal, timeless, ever-present state of your own deepest being.
Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development. He is an internationally acknowledged leader, founder of Integral Institute, and co-founder of Integral Life.
Thank you for being an awareness in my life…the head space! Much love to all. Ken with his wisdom has made this mystery something duable. The body and sexuality have always been disowned and neglegted in traditional spiritual paths, be it Christian, Hindu, Sufi, Buddhist, etc, with very, very few exceptions. You may think S. The bible teaches that we are mind, body and spirit.
Many who are not even religious, i. She is therefore highlighting the transferring of energy, which many sexologists can agree on. However, attitudes spirits; emotions… as previously mentioned, are all vibrational energies that are being transferred into the other person.
These negative transfers will then show up in the form of pains and mental conditions, especially because they are foreign to the receiver. They have indeed left a mark on you through the act that can impact you in a very negative manner.
When their spirits transfer to you will it be ok? Apparently there is much more to think about besides S. How much are you willing to risk?
Why do they have both physical and psychological attributes of their parents?