Negotiation: Buy more cheaply, and get better prices when you sell (Instant Guides)

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You might also consider using the amount offered directly in the subject line credit: Braden Pollock to attract the attention of a non responsive seller: I look forward receiving your feedback. But, before sending your first email , do not forget to disguise in…. Have you ever heard about the book The 10x Rule by Grant Cardone? Well, there is another unspoken 10x rule in the domain world — if you contact a domain owner and your name appears in the Fortune list or any other business database, the asking price will instantly go 10x.

If you are a celebrity or you work for a large company, you might want to create a new Gmail or Outlook account solely for acquisition purposes. Avoid using any email that is associated with your Linkedin account. There is a great app called Rapportive recently bought by Linkedin which shows who you are. Within seconds, thanks to Rapportive, we knew he ran a massive investment company.

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While you might think you are successfully keeping your anonymity here, most contact forms track your IP address and therefore geographical location. Oh is it someone from Menlo Park? So if you want to buy ninja. Consider creating an email with the following free email services: You might also consider using VPN browser add-on which you can easily turn it on and off in your browser. Should be free for basic use. A full VPN suite is a little overcautious, but it provides protection for your entire internet traffic: This is very useful if you want to figure out how the owner is engaging with your email.

Is he opening it every day? BananaTag — you just need to find the one that works best for you. Want to defend yourself from people spying your location? Read this article here: Your goal is to pay the lowest conceivable price. The goal of the owner is to sell it for the maximum price possible. So how much should you offer on the first bid? And should you make an offer first or ask for pricing? As my Alaskan friend Steve says, whoever gives the first number in negotiations, loses. Well, that might be true in most cases, yet there are certain cases in which making an offer first, will help to anchor the price at a lower level.

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In those cases, what you want to do is to offer the lowest amount that is reasonable enough to get you a reply and serious enough to get you a counter. That is the best strategy for super premium domains. For premium domains, and especially in the case of private sellers, you might opt to just just ask for a price, since the value of these domains is not self-evident. These domains have fixed trading ranges and your best chance at getting the domain for a fair price is to know the exact trading range and insisting on paying within that range.

Here is a quick chart recap of the initial approach: And yes, they receive unsolicited offers too. Lowballing is possible — but not encouraged!

I want you take these as reference guidelines: That piece cannot be moved. Just as Jiu Jitsu has been defined as the game of human chess, negotiation is a game of moves and countermoves, where planning and being one step ahead of your negotiating partner goes a long way towards getting the upper hand and will save you a few thousands dollars.

If the owner is smart, you will get one these types of replies: Sometimes, you will not get a response. If this is your first contact attempt, the owner probably did not open or receive your email. In this case, if after many follow ups the owner still does not reply, consult a professional — they might help you get through the owner Friedrich has superpowers. There is a concept called emotional investment — the more time and effort you invest in any negotiation, the more the other party has a stronger negotiating position. Experienced negotiators know this and they often use the simple tactic of avoiding any response, which is extremely effective.

When a seller is not responsive, the only way you can get his or her attention back is by either A following up which reveals you really want it or B increase your bid. Or you might want to jump ahead to chapter 9 — strategic retreat. If the domain owner quotes you a price, it is time to practice your jiu jitsu.

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Your goal is to find a common ground with the seller to establish what is a fair price. If the domain owner is still unresponsive or refuses to negotiate according to a reasonable standard, it is still not the time to despair.

You have the following options: If you have taken all the steps above, you might finally reach the stage where you and the seller reach an agreement on the price. I love legal constraints as much as the next person, but here is an important caveat: Same goes if the owner counters you with a price and you accept. It is totally ok to withdraw your offer before it is accepted. It is not ok to change your mind after the price has been agreed.

So how do you send the money and get the domain transferred? If you are dealing with an experienced seller, they will probably insist on using escrow. It is customary that the buyer pays for the escrow fees.

Chinese owners sometimes will ask to use DN. Refuse categorically to use PayPal for any transaction of a meaningful amount. After escrow approves the payment, you can use a simple push transfer and BAM — the domain is yours! Hope you have enjoyed the article and that this will help you get the domain you have always wanted.

In case you are curious about investing in domain names, the best resources to study at are DomainSherpa. DomainNameWire also does a great job publishing a very informative podcast with industry leaders. And the legendary Ron Jackson reports the weekly top sales on DnJournal. Good domain brokers include Andrew Rosener from MediaOptions.

Are you in the position of selling a domain instead? Look no further than these articles on DomainShane. I also publish a weekly domain newsletter with updates about floor prices , resources about liquid domains and tips for domain investors. Are you looking to buy or sell a liquid.

We specialize only in these types of domains and we believe we know this niche better than anyone else. The first step is to: A blank page good. A website that looks like a legit business not good. The domain redirects to another address meh.

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A domain investor is someone who bought a domain name with the intent of reselling the domain name at a later stage for profit. Just as you would not hate someone that bought the Apple stock in the s and held on to it, you should not hate a domain investor because they foresaw or bet on its future value. The bad thing about dealing with a domain investor, is that you will probably not pay below market value.

The good thing about domain investors is that, if money is not your problem, all you need is to negotiate a fair price and you can get the domain shipped to your account fairly quickly. You might be in for a few headaches. The bad thing about buying a domain name from a corporation is that it is extremely challenging to find the right decision maker. And even if you manage to find them, money is usually NOT a motivator.

Assuming that the company is not actively using the domain name if it is, I do not like your chances , the process involves establishing rapport with the decision maker and getting this person to like you. Try to answer their questions and concerns — is the domain going to a competitor?

Will it be used for adult purposes? The less concerned they are, and the more you are able to enter their graces, the more likely they are to fight for your cause and get you the domain. This might be someone just like you, who registered your coveted domain just because they liked it, or because, maybe, someday, they want to build their own business on it. Or maybe they are just using the domain name as their email. A private individual usually: You have just accomplished step 2.

Here are 3 general categories of domains: So, what does this liquid domain thing mean for you? These are Chinese websites that detail the last transactions and average value for each category. Too lazy to translate Chinese? You can use a nice shortcut by checking http: If you are looking to buy specifically a four letter. We also provide weekly investing tips to navigate the domain world — you can subscribe for free here. For super premium domains , submit a decent offer. Private Ask for pricing. Hope for the best.

How To Make The Right Offer

Offer floor price no one likes lowballers. A price OR price range a good sign — unless they ask for a ridiculous amount. Which tools can you use to establish a fair price? The best way is to bring comparable domains that have sold in the past. How do you find those? The best tool for finding comparables is Namebio. This website is a powerful weapon: You can also filter your research by extension, category and domain length. While the value is not always accurate despite a team of PHDs constantly working on improving their algorithm , it is a good indicator.

Whenever you offer cash immediately, the price resistance of the other party diminishes dramatically. There are reasons why offering an all-cash deal causes people to be more open to doing business with you.

11 Retailers Where You Can Negotiate a Lower Price

Very often you will find that even if you lowball at a price that seems ridiculous, they will sell it to you for far less than you ever thought you were ever going to have to pay. Make it clear that you are willing to walk away if they are not willing to add something complementary to the deal. Here is the key to how to negotiate the nibble.

Agree on the purchase of the main item. Agree on the price and terms. Make it appear as if it is a done deal. The other person thinks they have sold the item, even a house, a car, or a boat, at a price that they are happy to receive. Then you add on additional requests. Use these negotiation techniques to secure the best prices for yourself in business sales and in life.

You can almost always get a better price. About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement.

Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. Your Privacy is Guaranteed. We will never give, lease or sell your personal information. How to Negotiate Price: