Frau Lehrerin lässt nachsitzen (German Edition)

Geboren wird mit dieser Wiedervereinigung ein Goliath: Huntington "Kampf der Kulturen" glaubt. Nur eines ist klar: Vor acht Jahren war das noch anders. Chinesische Neureiche, mit dicken Siegelringen und in Armani gekleidet, sind ihre besten Kunden, verschwinden mit ihnen in schummrigen Bars und Diskotheken mit Hinterzimmern. Kunst der jungen chinesischen Avantgarde.

Alles ist plattgewalzt, manchmal ganze Karrees. In fieberhafter Arbeit, Tag und Nacht, errichten Arbeiter immer gigantischere Wolkenkratzer, Meter hoch soll das "Weltfinanzzentrum" werden. Immerhin verbuchte man bereits einen Umsatz von einer Billion Mark. Doch nicht alle Geister, die China mit den Wirtschaftsreformen rief und die das Land so dramatisch voranbrachten, kann die Partei auch kontrollieren.

Aber auch die Modelle aus dem heutigen Alltag, die jetzt von der Partei gegen die "geistige Verschmutzung" propagiert werden, lassen die Jugendlichen kalt. Vielleicht existiert in der Modellstadt Zhangjiagang ja der vielbeschworene Stadtverordnete, der nachts Papierfetzen von den Trottoirs klaubt.

Grund und Boden kann in der Volksrepublik von Fremden noch immer nicht erworben werden. Herr Wang sagt bitter: Nur ganz wenige werden bei solchen Transaktionen erwischt, wie der im April entmachtete Parteichef von Peking. Doch meist trifft es nur die kleinen Gauner. Casey Poma Los Angeles, California. I also do music for my little film company, Cat cat productions!

You can find all of it here! Streaming and Download help. Spellbound by Adrian von Ziegler.

This guy's got some cool metal from varying genres, such as folk, Celtic, symphonic, pirate, and so on. An inspiration to all us independent composers out there!

Erotic Literature

HermioneSeverus Watersports by HopeHogwarts16 reviews Severus needs the bathroom and Hermione decides to have a little fun. This fic is rated R Harry Potter - Rated: Forced Marriage by moni reviews This is a marriage law story, yes i know it has been done but i like them and i haven't done one yet. Because of her time turner use, Hermione is older than the rest of school and eligible for the new law. One Day by Aceia reviews Harry's hopes are the only thing he has to cling to.

Written for hp darkfest on livejournal. M - English - Angst - Chapters: A Chance in Time by GreenEyedBabe reviews Accidents happen, but when this accident happens Hermione finds herself in a whole different decade at Hogwarts with people that are long dead in her time. Trying her best to find her way back before there are too many changes. Oral, Anal, Three-way, and Double Penetration. Tell me what you think Harry Potter - Rated: For the Potions Master's Amusement by snape.

Erotic Literature · OverDrive (Rakuten OverDrive): eBooks, audiobooks and videos for libraries

Severus Snape is not a kind man, but Hermione Granger is past caring. She wants his approval and will do anything to get it. How far will she go? Even she has no concept of the depths to which she will fall in her quest. HGSS Hermione has gone back in time and finds out she is stuck in She gets close SS and realizes her fate was never in but here with him forever and always.

Rated M for adult situations. Time Lost by Reirei reviews Hermione has to travel back to the time of the Marauders to save Harry from ceasing to exist. A seductive young Snape has picked her to be his sacrifice to the Dark Lord.

A world as she knows it may be lost. For her it was yesterday but for Severus, has it simply been too long? The Diffrence Between the Past and the Future by Mistrus reviews Hermione accidently gets thrown back in time and interfers with something that she shouldn't have. She meets and falls in love with one Severus Snape and then has to leave. Severus has thirty years to think about her, he comes to a decision. Out of the Depths by Laurielove reviews A tale of emotional and physical dependency. A nineteen-year-old Hermione is back at Hogwarts, dissatisfied with life, and her bewildering new feelings for her Potions Master confuse her even more.

Wird sie verhindern, dass sich die Fehler der Vergangenheit wiederholen? Und was hat Dumbledore damit zu tun? Hermione trifft auf einen Slytherin. Und dann kommen noch viele viele Slytherins dazu und eine spannende Geschichte spinnt sich zusammen. M - German - Chapters: Hermione agrees to organize a masquerade ball for the boys and finds herself in a compromising position when the two mischievous Marauders corner her in her room.

M - English - Horror - Chapters: Father Christmas is challenged to provide a meaningful gift for Professor Snape. M - English - Fantasy - Chapters: Stripper Club by Platinum Express reviews A passionate fight with Hermione causes Sirius to rush to the neighborhood stripper club.

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Only there does he wonder whether he made a mistake in telling her she was fat. Time to Heal and Love by ariannalupin reviews Harry has a twin sister. She is nice, and Harry is still BWL. After the final battle they plus Ron and Hermione go back in time. Overdone, sure but I like it. Will contain both het and slash.

A pregnant and desperate Hermione is about to marry Ron, but is it the best decision considering the circumstances involving one dark, snarky wizard? The gods get involved. He sets out to woo her and she's not resisting Darkest Desires by Lupinswolfie reviews Moony growled suddenly. I will have you, whether the human likes it or not.

Schicksal by Minnnie reviews Spoiler Band 7! Mehr als zwanzig Jahre sind seit der Vernichtung von Lord Voldemort vergangen. Die unbeantworteten Fragen, die Hermine am Ende des Krieges plagten, sind lange vergessen. Arachne by sylvanawood reviews Hermione travels back in time to find a missing Horcrux. She meets a young Severus who prepares for his first Potions lesson. Written before DH, now AU.

Some twists and then one I know you won't suspect. Try it you'll like it! Against her better judgment, she begins a relationship with him.

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Schaffen sie es den Fluch zu brechen oder wird das Haus ihr Grab? Rated M for a reason, people. Ob Severus ihr helfen kann? I Promise You by severus-is-my-baby reviews Complete! Hermione goes back in time to when the Mauraders are in school. Can she adjust to her new life while Dumbledore tries to figure out how to send her home? And what happens if she falls in love with a certain Slytherin? Will she want to go home?

After an encounter with Snape's brother she needs protection. How far will Severus go to ensure the safety of his student Harry Potter - Rated: Werden sie jemals zusammen kommen? Never Enough Time by Oniko reviews Hermione's curiosity and Gryffindor bravery get the better of her good sense. Stepping Over Lines by luverofall reviews hermione gets double detention from snape!