How It Works: Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. This is a definitive look into Philadelphia recovery homes. Readers learn that Philadelphia has a national reputation or its network of drug and alcohol assistance centers available to abusers to seek services.

  1. How It Works: Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia, Fairbanks?
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  4. How It Works: Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia.
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Philadelphia is responding it a crisis, as the Kensington section of Philadelphia leads the nation in per capita heroin and cocaine purchases. Temple University assists several centers. It is important, though, for a person to have insurance and identification in order to receive most formal services. There are 30, abandoned homes in Philadelphia that attract recovery centers, as they often materialize inside an abandoned home.

There are approximately to recovery homes in Philadelphia. None are government regulated. Most operate by word of mouth. Many attract people from out of state. Newark and Baltimore hospitals are known to give substance abusers one way bus or transit tickets to Philadelphia. Churches and local governments in Puerto Rico give abusers one way plane tickets to Philadelphia.

It is debatable how good the services are that are provided, and they may vary greatly amongst the recovery homes themselves. To some, the provide hope and improve the lives of the most troubled substance abusers. To others, they provide unqualified services in illegal and shoddy housing conditions.

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A person typically enters a recovery house by agreeing to place one's General Assistance, Social Security, and food stamps into a group pool. These homes create challenges for residents. Most exist in neighborhoods where drugs are readily available. Many recovery homes have strong local political support. Home recovery residents provide Election Day campaign labor for State Rep. John Taylor, who in return is an advocate for these homes. Recovery home residents were also noted being involved in campaign for officials such as Mayor John Street, Rep. Chaka Fattah, and Sen.

Residents are used for lobbying purposes and are sent in buses sent to Harrisburg seeking support from state legislators. Some political leaders oppose these homes. City Council member James Kenney argues many of the homes are operated by corporations with no credentials, no insurance, and provide substandard housing in return for profit.

How It Works: Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia by Robert P. Fairbanks II

Some houses have failed and, instead of helping people, have reverted into becoming homes supporting drug use and other criminal activities, such as prostitution. Since the recovery home facilities operate without licensing, there is little government does to close exploitative recovery centers. The License and Inspections Department has no official category for "recovery house". Some believe this could reduce houses that warehouse, or overpopulate their homes.

LeAnna Washington has fought to keep recovery homes open to reduce homelessness and to keep addicts from committing crimes. They agreed they lack the finances and staff to inspect and monitor recovery houses. Recovery homes are recognized by people in related institutions. Hospital employees, probation officers, and social workers refer patients to some recovery homes.

The residents love all ability of self-governance. To some, the recovery homes teach people how to become responsible for themselves, become responsible citizens, and achieve upward social mobility. These homes are seen as improving moral values and encouraging civil participation. Some advocates sees recovery home residents as resources for community improvement, The residents can work on cleaning-up neighborhoods and work on neighborhood crime watches.

The author sees the recovery homes are a reflection of current social services ideology where government programs dating back to the New Deal are responding more to private markets. Recovery homes are private institutions operating for a profit. This book explores how some recovery home operators have utopian visions of improving society by resolving the difficulties faced by illegal drug use actions. The author argues recovery homes are an unintended consequence of state law and the welfare reform movement that has led to a rise in informal delivery of social services; some of which take advantage of their clients.

This keeps these residents in these homes and these homes continue having a large supply of clients. The author discovered much informal transfer of patients between legitimate recovery program and the illegal recovery homes. Thus, the recovery homes have become part of community structure which tolerates them, declines to intervene to stop them, and often works with them. The recovery homes operate to make a profit. Residents are recruited by word of mouth. Some advertise with flyers. Operators of recovery homes often recruit residents at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. The residents often must attend recovery meetings, pay rent, and perform work, such as cleaning and repairing the house.

The system breaks down regular, as clients often leaves, sometimes without notice, as it is difficult to enforce rules within an illegal and informal system. The author notes many homes struggle financially. The market system responds as operators of successful homes entice residents from failing houses to leave and move into their homes. Recovery houses prefer residents who receive public assistance. Their checks are more dependable than most others'.

The operators are careful not to claim to be a rehabilitation facility, as these are regulated and require licensing. The author observed an Attorney General inspector checking on the status of a house and how the operator knew not to cross that legal line. The author also observed recovery homes bending the law and violating the law in order to complete paperwork to obtain utilities.

Pennsylvania enacted its Welfare Reform Act 75 in The law redefined eligibility for public assistance such that a person could no longer receive public assistance unless the person fell into one of several categories, such as having a disability or for being a substance abuser. This had the unintended consequence of creating cheap housing capturing the public assistance paid to substance abusers. In , Pennsylvania eliminated transitional needy General Assistance benefits for substance abusers. In addition, Social Security Insurance was not allowed for substance abusers.

This led many substance abusers to become classified as chronically needy in order to receive public assistance benefits. This had the unintended consequence of making recovery home more economically stable. The criminal justice system is a part of the recovery home network. Treatment Court offenders and paroles are sometimes sent to recovery houses. Clients sometimes move from government-funded homes to non-funded homes. Some of these homes have contracts to handle cases from the criminal justice an system and for handling homeless people during below freezing weather.

This compares to the estimated to homes in Philadelphia operating outside this official system. In recovery homes, users usually continue residing there, although they may be fined. Most recovery homes will not accept methadone maintenance residents. Doing so often would destroy a recovery home's reputation, even within the informal world of recovery. Some were found to be crack houses or brothels.

How It Works

Violence amongst residents has occurred. The author notes he has heard about, as has been reported in the media, that some recovery homes have engaged in food stamp fraud. After they pool the residents' food stamps, they allow unscrupulous food store operators to overcharge them for the food purchased. The overcharged amounts were then split between the involved food store operators and the recovery home employees.

The author notes distinctions between nonprofit recovery homes, whose reputations are better, and for profit recovery homes, some of which are known as "money mills" that provide little or no services. Some for profit homes have good reputations, indicating there is a large variation in how for profit homes are operated. The author, a male, researched mostly male recovery homes. There are also about as many, and maybe even more, recovery homes for women. The author found one coed recovery house. Some formal women's recovery homes operate with the child welfare system.

Most women's recovery homes operate informally. Most do not permit children.

Many recovery homes are racially segregated. There are Christian recovery homes that mostly serve Puerto Ricans, speak Spanish, involved Bible study, ban cigarettes, and have admitted some African Americans and whites. Many residents in Christian recovery homes arrive directly from Puerto Rico, often sent by a church or local government in Puerto Rico.

Some owners operate a system of houses. There are intake homes where newly admitted resident become familiar with the procedures.

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They often undergo a two to four week blackout period where they are not allowed outside contact except for meetings with governments officials, such as probation officers or welfare case workers, health care appointments, and 12 step sponsors. Some undergo withdrawal in intake homes during this period. A person needs a legal address to receive welfare in Philadelphia. A recovery house provides that address. A rental agreement or a voter registration card serves as this proof.

A person must be determined by the Public Welfare Department to have been declared as having a chemical addiction and has no ability to work for nine months in order to enter many recovery homes. Some unable to pay have this fee waived. After the blackout period in these systems, a person often moves into a recovery house. When the recovery house residency is completed, a person may move into a transitional house, also known as a worker house or a three-quarter house.

The total period spent in these homes typically covers the nine months of public assistance provided for unemployable people with chemical dependencies. Many continue staying in the homes for years afterwards, so long as the public welfare system determines they are unable to work.

Some stay through the five years lifetime maximum of welfare benefits.

Floor work, boring

Some even stay afterwards using their food stamps as payments to remain in the houses. Some recovery houses operate as food clubs. From this starkly vivid close-up, Fairbanks widens his lens to reveal the intricate relationships the recovery houses have forged with public welfare, the formal drug treatment sector, criminal justice institutions, and the local government. This remarkable journey through the recovery house movement leads us through the fraught regulatory spaces where devolutionary neglect meets do-it-yourself governmentality, where survival meets self-help, and where urban informality meets institutional reinvention.

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The book How It Works: Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia, Robert P. Fairbanks II is published by University of Chicago Press. Ships from and sold by Robert P. Fairbanks II is assistant professor in the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago. Readers learn that Philadelphia has a national reputation or its network of drug and alcohol assistance centers available to.

How It Works sets a new standard for marrying ethnographic depth, social relevance, and robust, creative theorizing. You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores. Outside the USA, see our international sales information. University of Chicago Press: About Contact News Giving to the Press.

Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia

This compares to the estimated to homes in Philadelphia operating outside this official system. Mar 05, Tara rated it it was amazing. There are 30, abandoned homes in Philadelphia that attract recovery centers, as they often materialize inside an abandoned home. Scandals have hit recovery homes. An advantage of this system is that people are fed well and often gain weight, which is especially good for those who have been emaciated from drug use. Some advertise with flyers.

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