
They have guns that dont spark, how am I supposed to kill a plane that can go from a -5 degree dive to a degree dive in half a second and pilot snipe me? Showing 1 - 15 of 16 comments. They cant outdive u m8 they will probably rip their wings off before catch u in a dive and those 20mm cant compare against your 30mm mk , if u use gunpods its different of course.

And u are way better in vertical fights so try to get the fight there.

Defensible space (fire control)

Last edited by ESP onebullet95 ; 2 Mar, 1: May View Profile View Posts. Just never, ever, ever turn fight them, that's literally the only rule I follow when fighting them. View Profile View Posts.

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So guys, I got the Spacefire, but it is VERY different to the MK IX F, its high alt perf is terrible! Any tips on using it? EDIT: I am sorry, apparently. Im flying my K4 trying to spade but I cant killing any spitfire. They turn, climb, dive, hold energy better than me. They have guns that dont spark.

Come out of the sun and kill them before they can react. Be a better pilot than the spit pilot and you will beat them every time, applies to every aircraft. So basically Although you can maneuver well enough at altitude and can climb ok-ish not great but not horrible, not yak above 6km bad the extra altitude doesn't work well if your enemy.

Dives away, in which case your horrible control stiffening and drag will just keep you from ever catching him. Climbs at any reasonable speed basically anything other then climbing under-ideal climb speed.

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Negative aesthetic consequences to natural and landscaped areas can be minimized with integrated and balanced defensible space practices. Submit a new text post. It was the only solution that i could come up with when i realized what Spitfire model i was up against. Are you sure you're not having trouble with it because its stock? Like these, but for a plane prop? Reuter made a nice hp at altitude chart for it using ingame data, and the huge chunk of its performance which makes it worthwhile is all seen at lower altitudes.

Reuter made a nice hp at altitude chart for it using ingame data, and the huge chunk of its performance which makes it worthwhile is all seen at lower altitudes. Below meters its the only "combat in WWII" aircraft which can match a K-4 for acceleration and climb.

At higher altitudes you throw all those advantages away in favor of the K-4, by a huge margin, and by a decent margin with any fairly decent tier 4 aircraft. Anyone who ever used the term "Spacefire" was just showing off their bias.

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Nowadays, it also shows that they're biased and out of touch. People misunderstand the LF designation. It just means it was tuned to operate better at a slightly lower altitude than the F but specifically without giving away the high altitude advantage to the Fw which was considered its biggest threat. The F was much slower than the at sea level and quite a bit slower all the way up to about 7.

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In contrast the LF was only slightly slower at sea level, similar in speed between 3 and 6. The comparison with the is even more changed though. The F was slower all the way up to 8km and faster above that. The LF was faster faster below 6. Essentially, the LF version swapped some marginal high altitude performance for some very valuable performance at combat altitudes. It didn't become a low altitude specialist by a long shot though, it was still competitive with the contemporary at altitude. This is all with 18 lbs boost though.

The Spitfire LF IX gets to fight later variants of s and s because of the 25 lbs boost, which makes the historical picture less relevant. So why is the LF a spacefire? At one point in time this plane was so badly undertiered that it was basically destroying everything that was going up against it, not to mention the fact that it was incredibly easy to fly well. Since then, it's been fixed and split into two different aircraft. Anyone who fails to recognize that it once was a problem aircraft is the one with the issue, not the ones who came up with the nickname for it.

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It's the only true Spacefire, the british one clearly has awful acceleration past 5km altitude and since the Merlin Spits are nothing outstanding in top speed, acceleration and maneuvering are your best friends. It does indeed have a bad stock syndrome, because WEP gives it a very noticeable boost.

Also seems that airframe and cover upgrades impact energy retention quite a bit. The short and irregular test I did with a few Spits a while back it was after we flew a few games where I was in my Spit 16 because I was so appalled at the sea level speed of the 16 ish which is utterly pathetic for a 5. LF 9 gets , why not 16?

Energy fighting the Spitfire LF MK IX "Spacefire" : Warthunder

Notice how the Spit nearly got me on the second pass. It can be done in the s as well but is IMHO more difficult due to the instructor using the rudder too much and therefore wasting a lot of energy.

  1. The Spacefire F Mk XIVc in it's natural habitat : Warthunder.
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Try to roll into a turn first to avoid that. I did that with the Yak as well at 1: Spitfire lost in the first 45s, he should have done a flat horizontal turn, starting before the merge. He was nowhere near aggressive enough. Especially against a lone enemy. Actually, this started around 1: I just wanted to make the video not that long. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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