Nancy Drew 22: The Clue in the Crumbling Wall

The Clue in the Crumbling Wall, Nancy Drew Mystery Stories Series #22

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About Nancy Drew the Clue in the Crumbling Wall. When Nancy is asked to find a professional dancer who disappeared several years before, the young. The Clue in the Crumbling Wall (Nancy Drew No. 22) [Carolyn Keene] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When Nancy is asked to find a.

Curse of the Arctic Star. Strangers on a Train.

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Nancy Drew 22: the Clue in the Crumbling Wall

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The Clue in the Crumbling Wall

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We appreciate your feedback. You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: The original text opens with Nancy's discovery of the theft of her four new rose bushes. Nancy reports the theft, and Lieutenant Masters tells Nancy about a young girl named Joan Fenimore, who likely stole the bushes.

Masters also tells Nancy about Joan's aunt, Florianna, hoping to pique Nancy's interest. The revised text takes the same sequence of events and makes it more complicated. Lieutenant Masters asks Nancy to find Juliana, since Joan and her mother need help. After the officer leaves the Drew home, Nancy discovers the missing bushes. Later, Nancy tells Masters about the stolen rose bushes while at the police station and is then told that Joan probably stole them.

Nancy and Lieutenant Masters next drive to Joan's home to learn more about Juliana. The events do not flow as well as in the original text. In both texts, a man is caught eavesdropping outside the door in a hotel as Mr. Drew and Nancy discuss the case.

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On page 98 of the revised text and page of the original text, Mr. Drew gives Nancy a signal to step out of the room. Nancy is puzzled and then concludes that Mr.

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Drew wants Nancy to have the man followed. This bothers me, because I don't understand how Nancy knows for certain what Mr.